Conference Agenda

D1: Session D.1: Towards Sustainable Semiconductors
Tuesday, 18/June/2024:
11:00am - 12:30pm

Session Chair: Benedicte ROBIN, CEA, France
Location: Alexander 2+3


The Role of Semiconductor Design in Reducing Life Cycle Environmental Impacts

Alua Suleimenova1, Guy Nerad1, Julie Sinistore2, Isaac Emery2, Mukunth Natarajan2, VeeAnder Mealing2

1Marvell Technology Inc., United States of America; 2WSP USA

Pushing the Boundaries of LCA with AI Integration and Advanced Life Cycle Inventories for Semiconductor Production

Xavier Vital

Microsoft, United States of America

Towards Sustainable Circular Electronics: Exploring IC Reuse for Circular Economy Transformation

Amos Ncube1, Lise Laurin1, Tom Etheridge1, Lisa Peterson2, Mark Schaffer3

1EarthShift Global, USA; 2Aftan Engineering, USA; 3Schaffer Environmental LLC, USA