Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Date: Tuesday, 18/June/2024
A1: Session A.1: Policy - Substance Regulations, RoHS & REACh
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Otmar Deubzer, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

The RoHS Directive and Sustainable Electronics

Hendrik Engelkamp

Electronics industry - Dealing with Substance Restrictions at an early Stage

Sarah Deckelmann, Anne-Kathrin Nuffer

Beyond RoHS, REACH and POP: CMR Substances in Electronic Products

Joscha Berger, Michael Riess

A2: Session A.2: Policy - Developments in Ecodesign & ESPR
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Hans-Paul Siderius, The Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Netherlands, The

Getting the Priorities Right in Material Efficiency – From the Ecodesign Directive to the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation

Anja Marie Bundgaard, Rikke Dorothea Huulgaard, Arne Remmen

Destruction of Data Carriers – Safe and Sustainable. How Standardisation Can Help to Save Resources

Regina Kohlmeyer, Anna Trawnitschek, Martin Uhlherr, Boris Reznicek, Michael Stapel, Marina Köhn, Anna Zagorski

Pioneering Durability in Electronics – The Role of Standardisation in Policymaking and Vice Versa

Moritz-Caspar Schlegel, Catriona McAlister, Mathieu Rama

Testing Challenges and Solutions for Product Durability and Lifetime

Olaf Wittler, Daniel Hahn, Frederic Sehr, Mariam Elsotohy, Johannes Jaeschke, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

A3: Session A.3: Policy - Product Labelling
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Moritz-Caspar Schlegel, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Germany

Energy Efficiency Labelling for Computers: How can Product Groups be Covered?

Jana Rückschloss, David Sánchez, Karsten Schischke, Sopio Bregadze, Nils F. Nissen, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

Developing an EU Energy Label for Computers

Hans-Paul Siderius, Paolo Tosoratti

Accelerating Sustainable Electronics Through Ecolabels: Next Generation EPEAT Criteria

Patricia Dillon

Date: Wednesday, 19/June/2024
A4: Session A.4: Product Design - Strategies and Trade-offs I
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Liisa Hakola, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland

Investigating the Relevance of Non-energy Benefits in Energy Efficiency Potentials for Information and Communication Technologies

Sonja Arnold-Keifer, Vincent Kohl, Simon Hirzel, Clemens Rohde

Product Features: Upgraded Functionality or Sustainability Problem? An Environmental Assessment Approach for Additional Product Functions and its Application in the Case of Fridge-freezers

Christoph Tochtrop, Justus von Geibler, Jana Rückschloss, Moritz-Caspar Schlegel

UNDRESS Circularity – Aligned Impact Assessment for Circular Business Model

Paul Wöbkenberg, Marianne Kuhlmann

A5: Session A.5: Product Design - Strategies and Trade-offs II
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Tapani Jokinen, Fraunhofer IZM, Finland

Eco-design and Circularity Guidelines for Printed Flexible Electronic Devices Based on a Holistic and Streamlined Sustainability Assessment

Liisa Hakola, Maria Smolander, Taina Rauhala, Marja Vilkman

Product Design Strategies for Decarbonization and Resource Efficiency

Rob Guzzo, Stephen Jayanathan, Laura Cuccaro, Thomas Ebert, Karsten Schischke, David Sanchez, Jonas Dreger

A Strategy for Design of Product Architecture Considering Supply Chain

Masato Inoue, Yuki Komatsu, Shuho Yamada, Stefan Bracke

Future Topics for Greening ICT

Nils F. Nissen, Lutz Stobbe, Marina Proske, Karsten Schischke, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

Provoquium: Electronics Grows Green
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Otmar Deubzer, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany
This session will challenge commonly held convictions on environmental issues and encourage us to come up with better solutions by taking a fresh look at things we believe to be true. We want to focus on critical and under-discussed aspects around electronics that grows (and goes) green.
A7: Session A.7: LCA - Tools & Databases
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Colin Fitzpatrick, University of Limerick, Ireland

The State of Electronics LCI Data: How to Address the Data Gaps

VeeAnder Mealing, Mukunth Natarajan, Julie Sinistore, Sarah Boyd, Kali Frost, Xavier Vital

Life Cycle Model Based LCA of Electronics: Case Study of a Smart Electronic Device

Maximilian Saiger, Matthias Harsch

Electronics Ecodesign Tool Using Parametric LCA Models

Lukas D'Olif, Jonathan Demierre

Scope 3 Data in Electronics Supply Chains: How to Address Common Challenges and Pitfalls

Andreas Fritsch, Lara Bauer, Fiona Dittrich, Dominic Graf, Karsten Schischke, Christoph Teusch

Date: Thursday, 20/June/2024
A8: Session A.8: Carbon Neutrality and Net Zero Goals
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Anton Berwald, Apple, Belgium

Telco Industry Scope 3 Supply Chain Carbon Reduction Programme

John Machin Spear

Framework proposal for science-aligned corporate climate action

Ryan Maloney, Chris Busch

Breaking Down Corporate CO2-neutrality Commitments: The Example of a Network Switch

Sarah-Jane Baur, Marina Proske, Ronja Scholz, Gerrit Boysen, Nils Nissen

A9: Session A.9: Environmental Data from the Supply Chain
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Mitsutaka Matsumoto, AIST, Japan

Advancing Sustainability and Circularity in the Automotive Industry: A Data-Driven Platform Approach

Michele Sesana, Veronica Antonello, Mattia Calabresi, Alessandro Fontana, Ludovica Rossi, Jennifer Nika, Giuseppe Landolfi, Marzio Sorlini, Paolo Rosa

How to Bring Supplier-specific Product Carbon Footprints into LCA Calculation Engines at Scale – An Integrated Software Approach

Pauline Frederike Langbehn, Florian Ansgar Jaeger, Johannes Wunderlich, Andreas Schiffleitner

Why Should We Share Material Data? The Positive Impact of Public/Private Databases Access Through Digital Twins Along the Product Value Chain

Ole Hölck, Steve Voges, Karl-Friedrich Becker, Eduard Wagner, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

Is Regulation Pushing Manufacturers to Utilising Full Material Disclosures?

Emily Tyrwhitt Jones

A10: Session A.10: LCA - Artificial Intelligence for Workflow Enhancement
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Bernd Kopacek, Austrian Society for Systems Engineering and Automation (SAT), Austria, Austria

LCA Automation vs. LCA Precision? - A Case Study on How AI Can Help Avoid a Potential Conflict.

Marten Stock, Andreas Schiffleitner, Adam Leadbetter

The Application of AI for Electronic LCA Data and Assessment Toward the Circular Economy

Zahra Mehdipour

Enhancing Practitioner Workflows with A.I.

Steven MacMaster

Towards Green AI: Current Status and Future Research

Christian Clemm, Lutz Stobbe, Kishan Wimalawarne, Jan Druschke

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