Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Location: Grenander 3
Date: Monday, 17/June/2024
Workshop C2
Location: Grenander 3
Consultation Meeting: "Towards Ambitious LCA Product Category Rules for ICT Equipment" (Host: Karsten Schischke, Fraunhofer IZM)
Date: Wednesday, 19/June/2024
D4: Session D.4: LCA - Simplifications and Limitations
Location: Grenander 3
Chair: Allen Hu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech), Taiwan

A Methodology for Simplified LCAs of Electronic Products

Jens Malmodin, Nina Lövehagen

Challenges and Opportunities for Scalable and Trustworthy LCA Data in the Electronics Industry - A Critical Reviewer’s Perspective

Jonas Johannisson

LCA Limitations and Opportunities to Inform Supply Chain Decarbonization

Susan Brennan DiNino, Natasha Scotnic, Valerie Winrow, Michael King, Ajay Ranjith Vempati, Madeline Vincitore, Mukunth Natarajan, Julie Sinistore, Jonathan Balsvik, Nischint Sundar, VeeAnder Mealing, Lynn Li

D5: Session D.5: LCA - Beyond Conventional Impact Categories
Location: Grenander 3
Chair: Jens Malmodin, Ericsson AB, Sweden

Developing A Multi-Tasks Module to Integrate Biodiversity and to Fulfill the Request of the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) for Corporate Sustainability – Case Study of A Taiwan Semiconductor Company

Lance Hongwei Huang, Chien-Hung Kuo, Allen H. Hu*, Maggie Su, Chia wen Li, Yi Xuan Chen, Chen Chung Hsu, Joseph Wu, Jojo Chang

Circular Economy Best Practices for Bio- and Geodiversity Preservation Through a LCA Approach

Jussi Isoaho, Pia Tanskanen, Susanna Kallio

A Justice-led Design Toolbox for Promoting fair Electronics

Jesús Muñoz-Alcántara, Mendel Broekhuijsen

Towards Sustainable Technology: The Social Impact Assessment and Readiness

Chiara Sandionigi, Cyril Laurié, Gautier Malfante, Bénédicte Robin

D6: Session D.6: WEEE Collection Rates
Location: Grenander 3
Chair: Carl Johan Dalhammar, Lund University, Sweden

What Do We Know About the WEEE Flows in the Netherlands?

Pablo Ilgemann, Ralph Oudshoorn, Tomer Fishman, Arnold Tukker

Challenges and Best Practices in the Collection of Small WEEE and Waste Portable Batteries in Europe

Elise Vermeersch, Elena D'Angelo, Rebecca Bliklen, Felicitas Frick, Paulina Caldarelli, Filippo Stringa, Pascal Leroy

Improving Collection Rates by Designing Valuable Consumer Experiences: Lessons from Practice Theory

Flora Poppelaars, Andishehsadat Azad

D7: Session D.7: International WEEE Implementation Insights
Location: Grenander 3
Chair: Heinz Werner Böni, Empa, Switzerland

Current Results and Main Challenges of the Implementation of the Electric Electronic Waste Reverse Logistics System in Brazil.

Marcos Batista Cotovia Pimentel, Deyber Alexander Ramirez Quintero, Sebastiao Eleutério Filho, Carlos Roberto Mendes de Oliveira

Developing a Sustainable Recycling Industry for E-waste in Colombia and Peru

Mathias Schluep, Heinz Böni, Federico Werner

Lessons in Formalization of E-waste Management – A Case Study from India

Deepali Sinha Khetriwal, Dea Wehrli, Mike Gasser, Anurag Gupta

Integration of Informal Sector for Sustainable E-Waste Management in Ghana

Frank Boateng Acheampong, Veronika Johannes, Cornelia Stolzenberg

Date: Thursday, 20/June/2024
D8: Session D.8: Circularity - Battery Challenges II
Location: Grenander 3
Chair: Wouter Sterkens, KU Leuven, Belgium

Bounded Lifecycles: Fit-to-purpose Batteries for Responsible Electronics

Marina Navarro-Segarra, Juan Pablo Esquivel

Circularity Potential of Green Wood-based Electronics for Energy Storage

Tatjana Karpenja, Hjalmar Granberg, Jesper Edberg, Anwar Ahniyaz, Valerio Beni

D9: Session D.9: Recycling and Mining of Critical Materials
Location: Grenander 3
Chair: Jana Rückschloss, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

Mechanically Sorting Electronic Components from Discarded Printed Circuit Boards to Enable Recycling of Critical Raw Materials

Max Christiaan van Beek, Yongli Wu, Peter Carlo Rem

Emerging Due Diligence Programs for Minerals Sourcing and Recovery

Holly Anne Evans

Evolving Standards in Ethical Mineral Sourcing for Electronics: Compliance Challenges and Technological Solutions

Maria Ariza, Eva Hink-Lemke

ISO 59014 on Sustainability and Traceability of Secondary Materials Recovery – Principles and Requirements contributing to a Circular Economy

Sonia Valdivia, Mathias Schluep, Daniela Murcia, Andrea Wehrli

D10: Session D.10: Disassembly and Recycling Enhancement
Location: Grenander 3
Chair: Sonia Valdivia, WRFA, Switzerland

Enhancing Ease-of-disassembly Tools for Electronic Products: Insights from Assessing Computer Mice

Yi-Hsieh Wang, Chi-Yi Tsai, Xiaoling Liu, Zhaoyang Hank Han, Ingrid de Pauw, Bas Flipsen

Multi-view Graph Convolutional Network for WEEE Classification

Chuangchuang Zhou, Yifan Wu, Wouter Sterkens, Patrick Vandewalle, Jef Peeters

A Color and Depth Image Defect Segmentation Framework for EEE Reuse and Recycling

Yifan Wu, Chuangchuang Zhou, Wouter Sterkens, Mathijs Piessens, Dieter De Marelle, Wim Dewulf, Jef Peeters

Circular Solutions: A Novel Methodology for Evaluating Circularity Performance in Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Management

Dea Wehrli, Kirsten Remmen

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