Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Location: Grenander 2
Date: Monday, 17/June/2024
Workshop B2
Location: Grenander 2
"There’s No End to a Circle. A Workshop on How to Address Circularity Challenges in Electronics Manufacturing" (Host: IPC/iNEMI)
Date: Tuesday, 18/June/2024
C1: Session C.1: Circularity - Principles and Policies
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Yusuke Kishita, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Drivers and Barriers for “Circular” Consumer Electronics in the European Union

Carl Johan Dalhammar, Jessika Luth Richter, Philipp Montenegro

Towards Circularity: Ensuring Success By Overcoming Extended Producer Responsibility Compliance Challenges

Cecilia Dowd, Sven Grieger, Howard Stimpson

Take-back System Maturity Model and Development Framework – A Multiple Case Study

Rasmus Jørgensen, Torben Pedersen, Karen Andreassen

C2: Session C.2: Circularity - Battery Challenges I
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Yasushi Umeda, The University of Tokyo, Japan, Japan

Assessing the Risk and Disassembly Complexity of Battery-Powered WEEE

Wouter Sterkens, Mohammad Abdelbaky, Jef R. Peeters

Ignition and Other Incidents Caused by End-of-Life Lithium-ion-Batteries and Safety Management Measures

Atsushi Terazono, Masahiro Oguchi, Hiromitsu Tomozawa, Toru Hagiwara, Kazuo Hasunuma, Gen Kobayashi, Miyuki Shintomi, Shingo Kano

Enhancing Battery Detection in X-Ray Imaging in WEEE with a 16 bit Deep Learning Pipeline

Niels Jan Corne Griffioen, Wouter Sterkens, Wim Dewulf, Jef Peeters

Towards sustainable circular EV battery value chains: A review and comparative analysis between Japan, Germany, and Norway

Yusuke Kishita, Casper Boks, Moritz Proff, Edith Uhlig, Saad Ahmed, Leander Pantelatos, Mark Mennenga, Steffen Blömeke, Christian Scheller, Eri Amasawa, Philipp Grimmel

C3: Session C.3: Recycled Plastics and Plastics Recycling
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Mathias Schluep, World Resources Forum, Switzerland

Towards Identifying Chemical Substances to be Controlled in WEEE Plastics

Masahiro Oguchi, Tomoya Inoue, Yuki Tamagaki, Yoshitaka Imaizumi, Yosuke Koyama

Postconsumer Plastics for Electronics

Arthur Schwesig

Towards an effective policy mix for circular plastics in electronics

David A Pfeffer, Denise Reike, Catharina R Bening

Date: Wednesday, 19/June/2024
C4: Session C.4: Circularity - Consumer Influence and Communication
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Kirsten Remmen, Empa, Switzerland

Communicating Circularity and Process Chemical Information in Supply Chains

Walter Jager, Solange Blaszkowski, Koshi Kamigaki

Unlocking Consumer Adoption: Exploring Factors Influencing Preferences for Refurbished Smartphones across Japan, Germany, and Thailand

Mitsutaka Matsumoto, Ai Chinen, Kenichiro Chinen, Christian Clemm, Chanathip Pharino, Aksornchan Chaianong

Green or Growth? Assessing Consumer Influence on the Environmental Impacts of ICT-Enabled Sharing Economy Businesses

Christian Clemm, Tatsuki Watanabe, Yusuke Kishita

C5: Session C.5: Circularity - Repair Policies
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Erik Poppe, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

Building the Future of Repair: A Right to Repair State of the Union

Kyle Wiens, Beatriz Pozo Arcos

Financial Incentives to Support the Repair of Electronics – The Thuringian Repair Voucher Programme

Magdolna Molnár

Assessing the Environmental Benefits of Repair and Reuse of Electrical and Electronic Equipment: Key Learnings for Ecodesign Based on the French Repair and Reuse Scheme

Guillaume Audrain, Laurène Cuénot, Axel Roy

Review and Analysis of ICT Regulations under the Ecodesign Directive: Product Regulations Shifting from Energy Efficiency to Circular Economy.

Robin Barkhausen, Antoine Durand

C6: Session C.6: Circularity - Assessment & Tools
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Anna Trawnitschek, DIN, Germany

Design for Recycling of Electronics: The Urgent Need for Better Methods

Dorien C. van Dolderen, Soroush Aghaeian, Conny A. Bakker, Ruud Balkenende

The Need for Design-for-recycling of Paper-based Printed Electronics – a Prospective Comparison with Printed Circuit Boards

Kealie Vogel, Akshat Sudheshwar, Nadia Malinverno, Roland Hischier, Nowack Bernd, Som Claudia

A Circularity Toolset for Benchmarking Consumer Electronics, Using Headphones as a Case Study

Keita Sekijima, Bas Flipsen, Linda Ritzen, Faisal Kamran, Conny Bakker

C7: Session C.7: Circularity - ReUse Challenges and Results
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Beatriz Pozo Arcos, iFixit, Spain

From LCA to Impact Measurement: What Added Value Can IT Refurbishment Provide in Practice?

Fiona Dittrich, Christoph Teusch, Kai Keune

Quantitative Ecological KPIs at Model Level for Electronic End Devices

Paul Rudorf, Maximilian Nowak, Sebastian Schlund, Marisa Frank

Revealing the Cumulative Production Displacement Caused by the Second-hand Smartphones Market

Levon Amatuni, Christian Clemm, José Mogollón, Arnold Tukker

Repurposing Obsolete Smartphones for Sustainable IoT

Nicolas Brusselmans, Jean-Brieuc Feron, David Bol, Jean-Pierre Raskin

Date: Thursday, 20/June/2024
C8: Session C.8: Circularity - Business Transformation
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Flora Astrid Poppelaars, Partners for Innovation, Netherlands, The

From a Linear To a Circular Economy: A Case Study of The Dutch Microelectronics Industry

Meihui Jiang, Koen Dittrich, Stef Lemmens

Business and Technical Logics of Circular Electronics

Helena Wiberg, Tatjana Karpenja, Cecilia Wästerlid, Josefina Sallén

Understanding and Managing the Challenges Towards a Circular Business Transition

Markus Reichling

C9: Session C.9: Product Design - Lifetime and Robustness
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Olaf Wittler, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

Lifetime Prediction Strategy for Electronic Systems to Enhance Environmental Sustainability

Mariam Elsotohy, Tom Dobs, Johannes Jaeschke, Frederic Sehr

Key Strategies for Enabling Circular Electronics

Klas Brinkfeldt, Mattias P. Eng, Madhav Mishra, Wilhelm Söderkvist Vermelin, Karolina Vikingsson, Helena Wiberg

The Total Cost of Ownership Score: Unifying Repair with Durability and Improving Objectivity, Completeness, and Scalability

Jeremy Faludi, Rutger Ritsma, Bas Flipsen

ML-based End-of-Life Forecasting for Reuse of PV Modules in Switzerland

Ässia Boukhatmi, Stefan Grösser

C10: Session C.10: Digital Product Passport Developments
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Max Marwede, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

A Conceptual Framework for a Circular Economy Resource Information SystEm (CE-RISE)

Kirsten Remmen, Joana Francisco Morgado, Stephanie Muller, Valentin Wewer, Evert A. Bouman, Golnoush Abassi, Elena Fernandez, Berend Mintjes, Patrick Wäger

How Industrial Data Meets Information Requirements of the Digital Product Passport – The Case of Remanufacturing Data

Eduard Wagner, Theresa Aigner, Sarah Kegler, Viola Gallina, Jan Koller

Electronics Goes Circular – Metrology and the Quality Infrastructure for an Effective DPP

Jens Niederhausen, Daniel Hutzschenreuter, Wafa El Jaoua, Tomasz Sołtysiński, Sascha Eichstädt, Olav Werhahn

EU Digital Product Passports of Electronics for Supply Chain Transparency

Miriam Schoepel, Evelyn Ritter

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