Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

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Session Overview
Location: Grenander 1
Date: Monday, 17/June/2024
Workshop A1
Location: Grenander 1
"PFAS – The Path Away from Perpetual Chemicals Towards More Sustainability" (Host: Fraunhofer IPMS/Green ICT)
Workshop A2
Location: Grenander 1
"RE-thinking Electronics: How to Optimise REuse, REpair, REcycling, REmanufacturing and REcovery of Valuable Resources in Electronic Products Using Digital Product Passport?" (Host: CE-RISE Project Consortium)
Date: Tuesday, 18/June/2024
B1: Session B.1: Bio-based Materials I
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Eduard Wagner, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

Eco-friendly In-Mold Electronics using Polylactic Acid (PLA)

Zahra Fazlali, David Schaubroeck, Maarten Cauwe, Sibel Ügdüler, Tine Van Laere, Dave Manhaeghe, Steven De Meester, Ludwig Cardon, Jan Vanfleteren

Bio-Based Solutions for Sustainable Electronics in a Post-PFAS Era

Jesper Edberg, Ioannis Petsagkourakis, Robert Brooke, Naveed ul Hassan Alvi, Dagmawi Belaineh Yilma

Multifunctional Nanocomposites from Naturally Derived Materials: Exploring the Functionalities of Conductive Melanin and Crystalline Nanocellulose

Bong Sup Shim

B2: Session B.2: Towards Sustainable PCB Assemblies
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Christian Clemm, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Development of Zero Waste Printed Circuit Board Assemblies

Jeff Kettle, Jonathan Harwell, Rudra Mukherjee

A Sustainable Revolution in Flex-PCB Manufacturing – Cutting CO2 Emissions by 99 % at Lowered Cost?!

David Nilsson, Roman Armgarth

LEO – Innovative Metallization and Patterning Process on Flexible Substrates

Jennifer Goldbrunner, Sabine Scherbaum, Erwin Yacoub, Sajina Tinku, Maryam Faghih, Marina Proske, Sarah-Jane Baur

Environmental Analysis of RF Substrates

Benjamin Vanhouche, Pieter Cardinael, Lizzie Boakes, Lars-Ake Ragnarsson, Cedric Rolin, Jean-Pierre Raskin, Bertrand Parvais

B3: Session B.3: Modelling of ICs and IC Packaging
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Sarah Boyd, Aligned Incentives, United States of America

Investigation of Semiconductor Die Area as a Reference Variable for LCA

Marina Proske, Mathilde Billaud, Christian Clemm, David Sanchez, Yannick Lorf, Lutz Stobbe

Parametric Modeling for Improved Die Area Estimation in the Life Cycle Assessment of Electronic Systems

Augustin Wattiez, Robin Dethienne, David Bol

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Redistribution Layers for 3D Integration

Suzanne Guillou, Damien Saint-Patrice, Laura Vauche, Laetitia Castagné, Stéphane Moreau, Rémi Vélard, Léa Di Cioccio

Date: Wednesday, 19/June/2024
B4: Session B.4: Sustainable Innovation
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Jan Druschke, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

Green Technology; Green Computing in a Sustainable Context

Stephen Kaboggoza, Joshua Kasule

Innovations in Electronics – Friend or Foe in Achieving Sustainability?

Mario Birkholz

Sustainable Technology and Technology for Sustainability: The Paths Towards Eco-innovation

Chiara Sandionigi, Jean-François Berrée, Maxime Peralta, Ariane Piel, Bénédicte Robin

B5: Session B.5: Applied LCA and Ecodesign for ICT II
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Kelly Scanlon, IPC, United States of America

Embedding Circularity into Product Design: An ICT Case Study

Ajay Ranjith Vempati

Process-based Life Cycle Assessment of a Vanadium Dioxide Spiking Neuron

Noémie Bidoul, Pauline Raux, Tom van Aerschot, Alex Pip, Christian Renaux, Sebastien Faniel, Denis Flandre, Jean-Pierre Raskin

ALU4CED - New Concept for Circular Electronic Design Based on Aluminium

Thomas Mager, Marek Koscielski, Lutz Stobbe

The Lifecycle Challenge for Microelectronic and Miniaturized Components in Sustainable Innovation Processes

Markus Graf

B6: Session B.6: Applied LCA - Production and End of Life
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Tatjana Karpenja, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Sweden

Circularity Indicators and LCA Perspective: New French Obligations on Recyclability and Prevention & Ecodesign Plans

Axel Roy, Laurène Cuénot, Guilaume Audrain

CBA on Semi-Automated Disassembly

Mathijs Piessens, Sander Teck, Yifan Wu, Chuangchuang Zhou, Jef Peeters

Conducting the Visioning Process for the Development of Informal Scrap Yards in Ghana: A Participatory Planning Tool

Veronika Johannes, David Aladago

B7: Session B.7: Application Focus - Digital Infrastructure
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Tuğana Ceren Aslan, Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland (FMD), Germany

Parameterized Life Cycle Assessment Model for Electronic Devices: Incorporating Internet Consumption in Environmental Impact Evaluation

Maulana Permana Ajie, Marten Stock, Lugas Raka Adrianto, Didier Beloin-Saint-Pierre

Environmental Impacts of Digital Infrastructures and Digital Services: CO2, Resource Consumption, Substances of Concern and More

Ran Liu, Dirk Bunke, Felix Behrens, Jens Gröger

Methodical Challenges of Prognostic Lifecycle Assessment - An Exemplary Study of ICT's Environmental Impact in Germany 2030

Lutz Stobbe, Nils F. Nissen, Marina Proske, Adelja Schulz, Tugana Aslan

Server Stock Data - A Basis for Determining the Energy and Resource Requirements of Data Centers

Ralph Hintemann, Simon Hinterholzer

Date: Thursday, 20/June/2024
B8: Session B.8: Application Focus - Health and Environmental Sensing
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Stephan Benecke, Google, United States of America

Smart Wound Dressing to Monitor Chronic Wounds - A LCA Case Study

Theresa Seeholzer, Rüdiger Quay

Redesigning Health Devices for the Circular Economy: A Case Study on Smart Pillboxes

Tamara Hoveling, Yichen Jin, Conny Bakker, Jeremy Faludi

Citizens Sensing Emissions – First Results of a Citizen Science Project

Max Czymai, Kim Eschenbach, Robin Hoske, Manfred Kraft, Max Marwede

B9: Session B.9: Application Focus - Automotive Electronics
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Karsten Schischke, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

Scenarios for a Circular Supply Chain for the Light Electric Vehicle Sector

Semih Severengiz, Yara Matschalow, Lena F. Fuhg, Julia Fahle

Safe and Sustainable-by-Design of Phosphinate Flame Retardants: A Case Study for Electronic Components and Electric Vehicle Parts

Adrian Beard, Daniel Maga, Venkat Aryan, Tomas Rydberg, Truus Tiermersma, Gerard Kwant

Modeling the Environmental Impact of Reverse Logistics for Traction Batteries

Charlotte Joachimsthaler, Jan-Philipp Jarmer

Enhancing the Sustainability of the Electronics in the Automotive Sector in the Context of Circular Economy Through a Decision-Making Framework

Alessandro Fontana, Ludovica Rossi, Jennifer Nika, Siro Dell’Ambrogio, Marzio Sorlini, Elia Ruiz Pachon, Paolo Rosa, Antoinette Van Schaik, Markus A. Reuter

B10: Session B.10: Application Focus - Power Electronics
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Shashi Paul, De Montfort University, United Kingdom

Circular Economy Management of Power Electronic Converters

Tugce Turkbay Romano, Thecle Alix, Nicolas Perry, Yves Lembeye, Jean-Christophe Crebier

Circular Power Electronics: Exploring the Scope and Suitability of Ecodesign Criteria for the Power Electronics Industry

Irati Ruiz de Azua Lahidalga, Eider Mendiburu Valor, Daniel Justel, Joan Manuel F. Mendoza

Tool Based Finding of Circular Solutions for WBG Power Semiconductors Integrating Applications

Philipp Feuchter, Sebastian Glaser, Rainer Pamminger

Circularity and Life Cycle Assessment of a Power Electronic Component: Circular Indicators and End-of-Life Analysis

Eider Mendiburu Valor, Irati Ruiz de Azua Lahidalga, Dani Justel Lozano, Joan Manuel Fernandez Mendoza

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