Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Wednesday, 19/June/2024
A4: Session A.4: Product Design - Strategies and Trade-offs I
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Liisa Hakola, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Finland

Investigating the Relevance of Non-energy Benefits in Energy Efficiency Potentials for Information and Communication Technologies

Sonja Arnold-Keifer, Vincent Kohl, Simon Hirzel, Clemens Rohde

Product Features: Upgraded Functionality or Sustainability Problem? An Environmental Assessment Approach for Additional Product Functions and its Application in the Case of Fridge-freezers

Christoph Tochtrop, Justus von Geibler, Jana Rückschloss, Moritz-Caspar Schlegel

UNDRESS Circularity – Aligned Impact Assessment for Circular Business Model

Paul Wöbkenberg, Marianne Kuhlmann

B4: Session B.4: Sustainable Innovation
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Jan Druschke, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

Green Technology; Green Computing in a Sustainable Context

Stephen Kaboggoza, Joshua Kasule

Innovations in Electronics – Friend or Foe in Achieving Sustainability?

Mario Birkholz

Sustainable Technology and Technology for Sustainability: The Paths Towards Eco-innovation

Chiara Sandionigi, Jean-François Berrée, Maxime Peralta, Ariane Piel, Bénédicte Robin

C4: Session C.4: Circularity - Consumer Influence and Communication
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Kirsten Remmen, Empa, Switzerland

Communicating Circularity and Process Chemical Information in Supply Chains

Walter Jager, Solange Blaszkowski, Koshi Kamigaki

Unlocking Consumer Adoption: Exploring Factors Influencing Preferences for Refurbished Smartphones across Japan, Germany, and Thailand

Mitsutaka Matsumoto, Ai Chinen, Kenichiro Chinen, Christian Clemm, Chanathip Pharino, Aksornchan Chaianong

Green or Growth? Assessing Consumer Influence on the Environmental Impacts of ICT-Enabled Sharing Economy Businesses

Christian Clemm, Tatsuki Watanabe, Yusuke Kishita

D4: Session D.4: LCA - Simplifications and Limitations
Location: Grenander 3
Chair: Allen Hu, National Taipei University of Technology (Taipei Tech), Taiwan

A Methodology for Simplified LCAs of Electronic Products

Jens Malmodin, Nina Lövehagen

Challenges and Opportunities for Scalable and Trustworthy LCA Data in the Electronics Industry - A Critical Reviewer’s Perspective

Jonas Johannisson

LCA Limitations and Opportunities to Inform Supply Chain Decarbonization

Susan Brennan DiNino, Natasha Scotnic, Valerie Winrow, Michael King, Ajay Ranjith Vempati, Madeline Vincitore, Mukunth Natarajan, Julie Sinistore, Jonathan Balsvik, Nischint Sundar, VeeAnder Mealing, Lynn Li

Coffee Break
A5: Session A.5: Product Design - Strategies and Trade-offs II
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Tapani Jokinen, Fraunhofer IZM, Finland

Eco-design and Circularity Guidelines for Printed Flexible Electronic Devices Based on a Holistic and Streamlined Sustainability Assessment

Liisa Hakola, Maria Smolander, Taina Rauhala, Marja Vilkman

Product Design Strategies for Decarbonization and Resource Efficiency

Rob Guzzo, Stephen Jayanathan, Laura Cuccaro, Thomas Ebert, Karsten Schischke, David Sanchez, Jonas Dreger

A Strategy for Design of Product Architecture Considering Supply Chain

Masato Inoue, Yuki Komatsu, Shuho Yamada, Stefan Bracke

Future Topics for Greening ICT

Nils F. Nissen, Lutz Stobbe, Marina Proske, Karsten Schischke, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

B5: Session B.5: Applied LCA and Ecodesign for ICT II
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Kelly Scanlon, IPC, United States of America

Embedding Circularity into Product Design: An ICT Case Study

Ajay Ranjith Vempati

Process-based Life Cycle Assessment of a Vanadium Dioxide Spiking Neuron

Noémie Bidoul, Pauline Raux, Tom van Aerschot, Alex Pip, Christian Renaux, Sebastien Faniel, Denis Flandre, Jean-Pierre Raskin

ALU4CED - New Concept for Circular Electronic Design Based on Aluminium

Thomas Mager, Marek Koscielski, Lutz Stobbe

The Lifecycle Challenge for Microelectronic and Miniaturized Components in Sustainable Innovation Processes

Markus Graf

C5: Session C.5: Circularity - Repair Policies
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Erik Poppe, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

Building the Future of Repair: A Right to Repair State of the Union

Kyle Wiens, Beatriz Pozo Arcos

Financial Incentives to Support the Repair of Electronics – The Thuringian Repair Voucher Programme

Magdolna Molnár

Assessing the Environmental Benefits of Repair and Reuse of Electrical and Electronic Equipment: Key Learnings for Ecodesign Based on the French Repair and Reuse Scheme

Guillaume Audrain, Laurène Cuénot, Axel Roy

Review and Analysis of ICT Regulations under the Ecodesign Directive: Product Regulations Shifting from Energy Efficiency to Circular Economy.

Robin Barkhausen, Antoine Durand

D5: Session D.5: LCA - Beyond Conventional Impact Categories
Location: Grenander 3
Chair: Jens Malmodin, Ericsson AB, Sweden

Developing A Multi-Tasks Module to Integrate Biodiversity and to Fulfill the Request of the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) for Corporate Sustainability – Case Study of A Taiwan Semiconductor Company

Lance Hongwei Huang, Chien-Hung Kuo, Allen H. Hu*, Maggie Su, Chia wen Li, Yi Xuan Chen, Chen Chung Hsu, Joseph Wu, Jojo Chang

Circular Economy Best Practices for Bio- and Geodiversity Preservation Through a LCA Approach

Jussi Isoaho, Pia Tanskanen, Susanna Kallio

A Justice-led Design Toolbox for Promoting fair Electronics

Jesús Muñoz-Alcántara, Mendel Broekhuijsen

Towards Sustainable Technology: The Social Impact Assessment and Readiness

Chiara Sandionigi, Cyril Laurié, Gautier Malfante, Bénédicte Robin

Lunch Break & On-site Poster Session
On-site Poster Session: 1st Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 2nd Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 3rd Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 4th Screen
Location: Alexander 1
B6: Session B.6: Applied LCA - Production and End of Life
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Tatjana Karpenja, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Sweden

Circularity Indicators and LCA Perspective: New French Obligations on Recyclability and Prevention & Ecodesign Plans

Axel Roy, Laurène Cuénot, Guilaume Audrain

CBA on Semi-Automated Disassembly

Mathijs Piessens, Sander Teck, Yifan Wu, Chuangchuang Zhou, Jef Peeters

Conducting the Visioning Process for the Development of Informal Scrap Yards in Ghana: A Participatory Planning Tool

Veronika Johannes, David Aladago

C6: Session C.6: Circularity - Assessment & Tools
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Anna Trawnitschek, DIN, Germany

Design for Recycling of Electronics: The Urgent Need for Better Methods

Dorien C. van Dolderen, Soroush Aghaeian, Conny A. Bakker, Ruud Balkenende

The Need for Design-for-recycling of Paper-based Printed Electronics – a Prospective Comparison with Printed Circuit Boards

Kealie Vogel, Akshat Sudheshwar, Nadia Malinverno, Roland Hischier, Nowack Bernd, Som Claudia

A Circularity Toolset for Benchmarking Consumer Electronics, Using Headphones as a Case Study

Keita Sekijima, Bas Flipsen, Linda Ritzen, Faisal Kamran, Conny Bakker

D6: Session D.6: WEEE Collection Rates
Location: Grenander 3
Chair: Carl Johan Dalhammar, Lund University, Sweden

What Do We Know About the WEEE Flows in the Netherlands?

Pablo Ilgemann, Ralph Oudshoorn, Tomer Fishman, Arnold Tukker

Challenges and Best Practices in the Collection of Small WEEE and Waste Portable Batteries in Europe

Elise Vermeersch, Elena D'Angelo, Rebecca Bliklen, Felicitas Frick, Paulina Caldarelli, Filippo Stringa, Pascal Leroy

Improving Collection Rates by Designing Valuable Consumer Experiences: Lessons from Practice Theory

Flora Poppelaars, Andishehsadat Azad

Provoquium: Electronics Grows Green
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Otmar Deubzer, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany
This session will challenge commonly held convictions on environmental issues and encourage us to come up with better solutions by taking a fresh look at things we believe to be true. We want to focus on critical and under-discussed aspects around electronics that grows (and goes) green.
Coffee Break & On-site Poster Session
On-site Poster Session: 1st Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 2nd Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 3rd Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 4th Screen
Location: Alexander 1
A7: Session A.7: LCA - Tools & Databases
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Colin Fitzpatrick, University of Limerick, Ireland

The State of Electronics LCI Data: How to Address the Data Gaps

VeeAnder Mealing, Mukunth Natarajan, Julie Sinistore, Sarah Boyd, Kali Frost, Xavier Vital

Life Cycle Model Based LCA of Electronics: Case Study of a Smart Electronic Device

Maximilian Saiger, Matthias Harsch

Electronics Ecodesign Tool Using Parametric LCA Models

Lukas D'Olif, Jonathan Demierre

Scope 3 Data in Electronics Supply Chains: How to Address Common Challenges and Pitfalls

Andreas Fritsch, Lara Bauer, Fiona Dittrich, Dominic Graf, Karsten Schischke, Christoph Teusch

B7: Session B.7: Application Focus - Digital Infrastructure
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Tuğana Ceren Aslan, Forschungsfabrik Mikroelektronik Deutschland (FMD), Germany

Parameterized Life Cycle Assessment Model for Electronic Devices: Incorporating Internet Consumption in Environmental Impact Evaluation

Maulana Permana Ajie, Marten Stock, Lugas Raka Adrianto, Didier Beloin-Saint-Pierre

Environmental Impacts of Digital Infrastructures and Digital Services: CO2, Resource Consumption, Substances of Concern and More

Ran Liu, Dirk Bunke, Felix Behrens, Jens Gröger

Methodical Challenges of Prognostic Lifecycle Assessment - An Exemplary Study of ICT's Environmental Impact in Germany 2030

Lutz Stobbe, Nils F. Nissen, Marina Proske, Adelja Schulz, Tugana Aslan

Server Stock Data - A Basis for Determining the Energy and Resource Requirements of Data Centers

Ralph Hintemann, Simon Hinterholzer

C7: Session C.7: Circularity - ReUse Challenges and Results
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Beatriz Pozo Arcos, iFixit, Spain

From LCA to Impact Measurement: What Added Value Can IT Refurbishment Provide in Practice?

Fiona Dittrich, Christoph Teusch, Kai Keune

Quantitative Ecological KPIs at Model Level for Electronic End Devices

Paul Rudorf, Maximilian Nowak, Sebastian Schlund, Marisa Frank

Revealing the Cumulative Production Displacement Caused by the Second-hand Smartphones Market

Levon Amatuni, Christian Clemm, José Mogollón, Arnold Tukker

Repurposing Obsolete Smartphones for Sustainable IoT

Nicolas Brusselmans, Jean-Brieuc Feron, David Bol, Jean-Pierre Raskin

D7: Session D.7: International WEEE Implementation Insights
Location: Grenander 3
Chair: Heinz Werner Böni, Empa, Switzerland

Current Results and Main Challenges of the Implementation of the Electric Electronic Waste Reverse Logistics System in Brazil.

Marcos Batista Cotovia Pimentel, Deyber Alexander Ramirez Quintero, Sebastiao Eleutério Filho, Carlos Roberto Mendes de Oliveira

Developing a Sustainable Recycling Industry for E-waste in Colombia and Peru

Mathias Schluep, Heinz Böni, Federico Werner

Lessons in Formalization of E-waste Management – A Case Study from India

Deepali Sinha Khetriwal, Dea Wehrli, Mike Gasser, Anurag Gupta

Integration of Informal Sector for Sustainable E-Waste Management in Ghana

Frank Boateng Acheampong, Veronika Johannes, Cornelia Stolzenberg

Berlin by Night Proposals

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