Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Tuesday, 18/June/2024
Opening, Keynotes, EGG-Award
Location: Alexander 2+3

Opening by the Conference Chair
Prof. Dr. Martin Schneider-Ramelow (Institute Director of Fraunhofer IZM)

1. Keynote: "Sustainable Semiconductor Manufacturing – the Challenge and Opportunity"
by Todd Brady (Chief Sustainability Officer at Intel Corporation)

2. Keynote: "Can we create a circular structure for guiding innovation towards both what is and what is to be?"
by Mads Kogsgaard Hansen (Director, Head of Product Circularity & Portfolio Planning at Bang & Olufsen A/S)

Coffee Break
A1: Session A.1: Policy - Substance Regulations, RoHS & REACh
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Otmar Deubzer, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

The RoHS Directive and Sustainable Electronics

Hendrik Engelkamp

Electronics industry - Dealing with Substance Restrictions at an early Stage

Sarah Deckelmann, Anne-Kathrin Nuffer

Beyond RoHS, REACH and POP: CMR Substances in Electronic Products

Joscha Berger, Michael Riess

B1: Session B.1: Bio-based Materials I
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Eduard Wagner, Fraunhofer IZM, Germany

Eco-friendly In-Mold Electronics using Polylactic Acid (PLA)

Zahra Fazlali, David Schaubroeck, Maarten Cauwe, Sibel Ügdüler, Tine Van Laere, Dave Manhaeghe, Steven De Meester, Ludwig Cardon, Jan Vanfleteren

Bio-Based Solutions for Sustainable Electronics in a Post-PFAS Era

Jesper Edberg, Ioannis Petsagkourakis, Robert Brooke, Naveed ul Hassan Alvi, Dagmawi Belaineh Yilma

Multifunctional Nanocomposites from Naturally Derived Materials: Exploring the Functionalities of Conductive Melanin and Crystalline Nanocellulose

Bong Sup Shim

C1: Session C.1: Circularity - Principles and Policies
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Yusuke Kishita, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Drivers and Barriers for “Circular” Consumer Electronics in the European Union

Carl Johan Dalhammar, Jessika Luth Richter, Philipp Montenegro

Towards Circularity: Ensuring Success By Overcoming Extended Producer Responsibility Compliance Challenges

Cecilia Dowd, Sven Grieger, Howard Stimpson

Take-back System Maturity Model and Development Framework – A Multiple Case Study

Rasmus Jørgensen, Torben Pedersen, Karen Andreassen

D1: Session D.1: Towards Sustainable Semiconductors
Location: Alexander 2+3
Chair: Benedicte ROBIN, CEA, France

The Role of Semiconductor Design in Reducing Life Cycle Environmental Impacts

Alua Suleimenova, Guy Nerad, Julie Sinistore, Isaac Emery, Mukunth Natarajan, VeeAnder Mealing

Pushing the Boundaries of LCA with AI Integration and Advanced Life Cycle Inventories for Semiconductor Production

Xavier Vital

Towards Sustainable Circular Electronics: Exploring IC Reuse for Circular Economy Transformation

Amos Ncube, Lise Laurin, Tom Etheridge, Lisa Peterson, Mark Schaffer

Lunch Break & On-site Poster Session
The posters are constantly displayed in a slideshow. The authors' pre-recorded presentations can be viewed online.

Operational Learning systems for collaborative human-robot demanufacturing

Anthonie Coopman, Chuangchuang Zhou, Mathijs Piessens, Yifan Wu, Jef Peeters

Simulation of Stock-Based Circular Production in a Cyber-Physical Lifecycle System

Yuto Izumida, Chihiro Hada, Shinichi Fukushige

The WF-RepTool, Making Reporting of E-waste Treatment Simple and Transparent

Lucia Herreras, Eniko Hajosi

Vision-based Robotic Grasping with Constraints for Robotic Demanufacturing

Mohammad Mahin Shoaib, XXX Maung Thant, Chuangchuang Zhou, Karel Kellens, Jef Peeters

An Environmental Assessment of Remanufactured Laptops as Part of a Circular Business Model

Keteki Anand, Colin Fitzpatrick, Yvonne Ryan-Fogarty

On-site Poster Session: 1st Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 2nd Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 3rd Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 4th Screen
Location: Alexander 1
A2: Session A.2: Policy - Developments in Ecodesign & ESPR
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Hans-Paul Siderius, The Netherlands Enterprise Agency, Netherlands, The

Getting the Priorities Right in Material Efficiency – From the Ecodesign Directive to the Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation

Anja Marie Bundgaard, Rikke Dorothea Huulgaard, Arne Remmen

Destruction of Data Carriers – Safe and Sustainable. How Standardisation Can Help to Save Resources

Regina Kohlmeyer, Anna Trawnitschek, Martin Uhlherr, Boris Reznicek, Michael Stapel, Marina Köhn, Anna Zagorski

Pioneering Durability in Electronics – The Role of Standardisation in Policymaking and Vice Versa

Moritz-Caspar Schlegel, Catriona McAlister, Mathieu Rama

Testing Challenges and Solutions for Product Durability and Lifetime

Olaf Wittler, Daniel Hahn, Frederic Sehr, Mariam Elsotohy, Johannes Jaeschke, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

B2: Session B.2: Towards Sustainable PCB Assemblies
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Christian Clemm, The University of Tokyo, Japan

Development of Zero Waste Printed Circuit Board Assemblies

Jeff Kettle, Jonathan Harwell, Rudra Mukherjee

A Sustainable Revolution in Flex-PCB Manufacturing – Cutting CO2 Emissions by 99 % at Lowered Cost?!

David Nilsson, Roman Armgarth

LEO – Innovative Metallization and Patterning Process on Flexible Substrates

Jennifer Goldbrunner, Sabine Scherbaum, Erwin Yacoub, Sajina Tinku, Maryam Faghih, Marina Proske, Sarah-Jane Baur

Environmental Analysis of RF Substrates

Benjamin Vanhouche, Pieter Cardinael, Lizzie Boakes, Lars-Ake Ragnarsson, Cedric Rolin, Jean-Pierre Raskin, Bertrand Parvais

C2: Session C.2: Circularity - Battery Challenges I
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Yasushi Umeda, The University of Tokyo, Japan, Japan

Assessing the Risk and Disassembly Complexity of Battery-Powered WEEE

Wouter Sterkens, Mohammad Abdelbaky, Jef R. Peeters

Ignition and Other Incidents Caused by End-of-Life Lithium-ion-Batteries and Safety Management Measures

Atsushi Terazono, Masahiro Oguchi, Hiromitsu Tomozawa, Toru Hagiwara, Kazuo Hasunuma, Gen Kobayashi, Miyuki Shintomi, Shingo Kano

Enhancing Battery Detection in X-Ray Imaging in WEEE with a 16 bit Deep Learning Pipeline

Niels Jan Corne Griffioen, Wouter Sterkens, Wim Dewulf, Jef Peeters

Towards sustainable circular EV battery value chains: A review and comparative analysis between Japan, Germany, and Norway

Yusuke Kishita, Casper Boks, Moritz Proff, Edith Uhlig, Saad Ahmed, Leander Pantelatos, Mark Mennenga, Steffen Blömeke, Christian Scheller, Eri Amasawa, Philipp Grimmel

D2: Session D.2: Applied LCA and Ecodesign for ICT I
Location: Alexander 2+3
Chair: Klaus Verschuere, Cisco, Belgium

Simplified LCA for Lifetime-limitation Indication

Klaus Grobe

Life Cycle Assessment of Networking Products: A Case Study in ICT ODM Company in Taiwan

Hsin-Tien Lin, Kuo-Che Weng, Yin-Tsu Peng

Advancing the State of Life Cycle Assessments for Computers and Laptops Towards a more Sustainable IT Ecosystem

Karsten Schischke, Marina Proske, David Sánchez, Erik Poppe, Sophia Cherem Lopes

A Methodological Proposal for Determining Priority Product Categories Towards the Development of a Product Reparability Score in the European Union

Christoforos Spiliotopoulos, David Bernad-Beltrán, Leonidas Milios

Coffee Break & On-site Poster Session
On-site Poster Session: 1st Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 2nd Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 3rd Screen
Location: Alexander 1
On-site Poster Session: 4th Screen
Location: Alexander 1
A3: Session A.3: Policy - Product Labelling
Location: Friedrich Wilhelm
Chair: Moritz-Caspar Schlegel, Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Germany

Energy Efficiency Labelling for Computers: How can Product Groups be Covered?

Jana Rückschloss, David Sánchez, Karsten Schischke, Sopio Bregadze, Nils F. Nissen, Martin Schneider-Ramelow

Developing an EU Energy Label for Computers

Hans-Paul Siderius, Paolo Tosoratti

Accelerating Sustainable Electronics Through Ecolabels: Next Generation EPEAT Criteria

Patricia Dillon

B3: Session B.3: Modelling of ICs and IC Packaging
Location: Grenander 1
Chair: Sarah Boyd, Aligned Incentives, United States of America

Investigation of Semiconductor Die Area as a Reference Variable for LCA

Marina Proske, Mathilde Billaud, Christian Clemm, David Sanchez, Yannick Lorf, Lutz Stobbe

Parametric Modeling for Improved Die Area Estimation in the Life Cycle Assessment of Electronic Systems

Augustin Wattiez, Robin Dethienne, David Bol

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of Redistribution Layers for 3D Integration

Suzanne Guillou, Damien Saint-Patrice, Laura Vauche, Laetitia Castagné, Stéphane Moreau, Rémi Vélard, Léa Di Cioccio

C3: Session C.3: Recycled Plastics and Plastics Recycling
Location: Grenander 2
Chair: Mathias Schluep, World Resources Forum, Switzerland

Towards Identifying Chemical Substances to be Controlled in WEEE Plastics

Masahiro Oguchi, Tomoya Inoue, Yuki Tamagaki, Yoshitaka Imaizumi, Yosuke Koyama

Postconsumer Plastics for Electronics

Arthur Schwesig

Towards an effective policy mix for circular plastics in electronics

David A Pfeffer, Denise Reike, Catharina R Bening

D3: Session D.3: Bio-based Materials II
Location: Alexander 2+3
Chair: Linda Ritzen, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), Netherlands, The

Bio-Based Materials in Printed Electronics: Unveiling Green Possibilities through Life Cycle Assessment

Dagmawi Belaineh, Fabio Santandrea, Jesper Edberg, Rumpee Bora, Mohammad Yusuf Mulla, Dilip Khatiwada

Soluboard – A Solution to E-waste

Jonathan Swanston, Jack Herring

Biobased Biodegradable and Recyclable Cellulose Substrates for Green Flexible Printed Electronics

Aayush Kumar Jaiswal, Tia Lohtander-Piispa, Elina Jansson, Minna Vikman, Vinay Kumar, Mohammad H. Behfar

Conference Dinner: Boat Trip
Please be in front of the hotel at 18:40 sharp. Guides will escort you to the boat.

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