
DARIAH Annual Event 2024

Workflows: Digital Methods for Reproducible Research Practices
in the Arts and Humanities

Lisbon, Portugal. June 18-21, 2024


Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 5th Oct 2024, 05:03:04pm WEST

Session Overview
SSH Open Marketplace Workshop
Tuesday, 18/June/2024:
9:00am - 1:00pm

Session Chair: Laure Barbot, DARIAH-EU
Session Chair: Michael Kurzmeier, ACDH-CH
Location: B308, 3rd floor

Room B308, 3rd floor, Avenida de Berna 26C, Berna Campus, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, Portugal

The SSH Open Marketplace - marketplace.sshopencloud.eu - is a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities: tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows. As one of the core DARIAH services, flagship of the SSHOC Cluster, the SSH Open Marketplace is used to document research workflows (see existing workflows).
To participate in this workshop, please register via this registration form. Please make sure you register on time as the registration will be closing on June 4th. This is an in-person workshop.

Session Abstract

Co-organised by the SSH Open Marketplace Editorial Team and the ATRIUM project and colocated to the DARIAH Annual Event 2024, the theme of which is “Workflows: Digital Methods for Reproducible Research Practices in the Arts and Humanities”, this workshop aims at presenting the SSH Open Marketplace discovery service and bringing participants to use it to index and document the resources and digital methods used in their research. In the ATRIUM context, participants in the workshop will discuss resources featured in the project's tools & services catalogue. They will collaboratively create or enhance entries for these resources in the SSH Open Marketplace. This effort serves as a foundational step for developing ATRIUM workflows in the Marketplace, and there's potential to expand the discussion to include other resource types, such as semantic artefacts. This workshop will be structured in two main sessions:

A morning session, open to all, will provide all the basics needed to become a contributor and a creator of workflows in the SSH Open Marketplace.

An afternoon session, dedicated to the ATRIUM project members, aiming at enriching (or creating) the ATRIUM catalogue resources in the SSH Open Marketplace.

Organisation committee: Laure Barbot, Michael Kurzmeier, Canan Arıkan-Caba, Anne Baillot, Christian Schuster, Clara Boavida, Elena Battaner Moro, Megan Black, Toma Tasovac

Morning schedule:

9h-11h - Introduction. SSH Open Marketplace core principles. Items creation and edition.

11h-11h30 - break

11h30-13h - What are workflows in the SSH Open Marketplace?

Afternoon schedule:

14h-15h30 - ATRIUM catalogue. Hands-on

15h30-16h - break

16h-17h30 - Hands-on

External Resource: https://forms.gle/7nMmV1ieU9p4eJy2A

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