Conference Agenda

WG Meeting: DH Course Registry
Wednesday, 19/June/2024:
11:30am - 1:00pm

Session Chair: Iulianna Van der Lek, CLARIN
Session Chair: MarĂ­a Goicoechea, University Complutense of Madrid
Location: B211, 2nd floor

Room B211, 2nd floor, Avenida de Berna 26C, Berna Campus, NOVA FCSH, Lisbon, Portugal

This joint DARIAH-CLARIN working group maintains the Digital Humanities Course Registry platform and curates the registered programs and courses with support from national moderators.

The aim of the WG meeting is to update national moderators and course contributors on the latest technical developments, provide an overview of outreach and dissemination activities, and discuss new improvement plans for the UI search interface. The event is open to all conference attendees interested in the DH course registry and the activities of the working group. Open to the public

Session Abstract

This joint DARIAH-CLARIN working group maintains the Digital Humanities Course Registry platform and curates the registered programs and courses with support from national moderators.

The aim of the WG meeting is to update national moderators and course contributors on the latest technical developments, provide an overview of outreach and dissemination activities, and discuss new improvement plans for the UI search interface. The event is open to all conference attendees interested in the DH course registry and the activities of the working group.

Open to the public