
DARIAH Annual Event 2024

Workflows: Digital Methods for Reproducible Research Practices
in the Arts and Humanities

Lisbon, Portugal. June 18-21, 2024


Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Please note that all times are shown in the time zone of the conference. The current conference time is: 18th Oct 2024, 06:49:27am WEST

Session Overview
Date: Tuesday, 18/June/2024
Welcome coffee
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
SSH Open Marketplace Workshop
Location: B308, 3rd floor
Chair: Laure Barbot, DARIAH-EU
Chair: Michael Kurzmeier, ACDH-CH
The SSH Open Marketplace - marketplace.sshopencloud.eu - is a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities: tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows. As one of the core DARIAH services, flagship of the SSHOC Cluster, the SSH Open Marketplace is used to document research workflows (see existing workflows).
To participate in this workshop, please register via this registration form. Please make sure you register on time as the registration will be closing on June 4th. This is an in-person workshop.
JRC + WG Chairs
Location: B302, 3rd floor
Chair: Andrea Scharnhorst, Data Archiving and Networked Services, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science
Chair: Agiatis Benardou, DARIAH-EU
Open to the public
Morning coffee break
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
Joint NCC/JRC Meeting
Location: B302, 3rd floor
Chair: Andrea Scharnhorst, Data Archiving and Networked Services, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science
Chair: Tibor Kálmán, GWDG
Open to the public
WG Meeting: Research Data Management
Location: B309, 3rd floor
Chair: Francesco Gelati, Universität Hamburg
Chair: Françoise Gouzi, DARIAH Open Science Officer
Open to the public
Lunch break
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
NCC Meeting
Location: B302, 3rd floor
Chair: Nanette Rissler-Pipka, Max Weber Foundation
Chair: Edward Joseph Gray, CNRS
Open to the public
WG Meeting: #dariahTeach
Location: B301, 3rd floor
Chair: Susan Schreibman, Maastricht University
Chair: Costas Papadopoulos, Maastricht University
Open to the public
Workshop: Emerging job profiles for DH Graduates: Bridging gaps between Industry & Education
Location: B309, 3rd floor
Chair: Amelia Sanz, Complutense University of Madrid
Chair: María Goicoechea, University Complutense of Madrid
This workshop is organised by the Digital Humanities Course Registry Working Group and the DARIAH Community Engagement Working Group and funded by the DARIAH Funding Scheme for Working Group Activities 2023-2025.
This workshop continues and builds on the discussion initiated last year in Budapest regarding the employability of Digital Humanities graduates. We will start by sharing insights gathered from DH programs in Europe on their strategies to equip graduates for careers as digital humanists in academia, the public sector, or industry. The program will then feature lightning talks from invited DH alumni from various countries, followed by round-table discussions. The workshop will conclude with a few preliminary recommendations for DH Master's Degree Programs.
This project is being led by Maria Goicoechea de Jorge and Amelia Sanz from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with support from DARIAH WGs and CLARIN.
The workshop is open to the public.
SSH Open Marketplace ATRIUM workshop
Location: B308, 3rd floor
Chair: Laure Barbot, DARIAH-EU
Chair: Michael Kurzmeier, ACDH-CH
The SSH Open Marketplace - marketplace.sshopencloud.eu - is a discovery portal which pools and contextualises resources for Social Sciences and Humanities research communities: tools, services, training materials, datasets, publications and workflows. As one of the core DARIAH services, flagship of the SSHOC Cluster, the SSH Open Marketplace is used to document research workflows (see existing workflows).
To participate in this workshop, please register via this registration form. Please make sure you register on time as the registration will be closing on June 4th. This is an in-person workshop.
Theatralia WG Workshop: "Developing a Controlled Vocabulary for Performing Arts Data"
Location: B211, 2nd floor
Chair: Anamarija Žugić Borić, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research
Chair: Cécile CHANTRAINE BRAILLON, La Rochelle Université
Details and registration via External Resource at bottom of session abstract
Afternoon coffee break
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
WG Meeting: Digital Numismatics
Location: B302, 3rd floor
Chair: David George Wigg-Wolf, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut
Chair: Rahel C. Ackermann, Swiss Inventory of Coin Finds
Open to the public
WG Meeting: Multilingual DH
Location: B301, 3rd floor
Chair: Maroussia Bednarkiewicz, University of Tübingen
Chair: Alíz Horváth, Eötvös Loránd University
Open to the public
Date: Wednesday, 19/June/2024
Welcome coffee
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
Opening & Keynote: Meredith Martin, "Worked Up About Data"
Location: Auditorium B3, 5th floor
Chair: Toma Tasovac, DARIAH-EU
Chair: Andrea Scharnhorst, Data Archiving and Networked Services, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science
satellite room: Aud B2 Stream: https://dariah.zoom.us/j/83393632486?pwd=rYLXNc7Urycy6QKPrBf1qaXxkQthaH.1 Meeting ID: 833 9363 2486 Passcode: 632047
Morning coffee break
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
Tools and Workflows for Collaboration between Researchers, Research Data Management Professionals and GLAMs
Location: Auditorium B2, 3rd floor
Chair: Francesco Gelati, Universität Hamburg
Chair: Françoise Gouzi, DARIAH Open Science Officer
AI for DH
Location: Auditorium B3, 5th floor
Chair: Natalia Ermolaev, Princeton University
WG Meeting: Bibliodata
Location: B302, 3rd floor
Chair: Vojtěch Malínek, Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences
Chair: Tomasz Umerle, Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Open to the public
WG Meeting: DH Course Registry
Location: B211, 2nd floor
Chair: Iulianna Van der Lek, CLARIN
Chair: María Goicoechea, University Complutense of Madrid
This joint DARIAH-CLARIN working group maintains the Digital Humanities Course Registry platform and curates the registered programs and courses with support from national moderators.

The aim of the WG meeting is to update national moderators and course contributors on the latest technical developments, provide an overview of outreach and dissemination activities, and discuss new improvement plans for the UI search interface. The event is open to all conference attendees interested in the DH course registry and the activities of the working group. Open to the public
Lunch break
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
Discussing SSH Open Marketplace Workflows: User Experiences, Editorial Policy and Future Development
Location: Auditorium B2, 3rd floor
Chair: Mikko Tolonen, University of Helsinki
Chair: Vojtěch Malínek, Institute of Czech Literature, Czech Academy of Sciences
Organizing Knowledge
Location: Auditorium B3, 5th floor
Chair: Agiatis Benardou, DARIAH-EU
WG Meeting: Ethics and Legality in the Digital Arts and Humanities (ELDAH)
Location: B211, 2nd floor
Chair: Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar, Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research
Chair: Walter Scholger, CLARIAH-AT
Open to the public
Afternoon coffee break
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
DARIAH Portugal Showcase
Location: Auditorium B3, 5th floor
Chair: Daniel Alves, NOVA FCSH
satellite room: B2 https://dariah.zoom.us/j/87023189103?pwd=lkIOycexvPh6n7dAnaQTXbdh7BDaNg.1 Meeting ID: 870 2318 9103 Passcode: 600964
Group photo
Location: Front of the B Building on the stairs
Poster & Demo Session
Location: B207/B210, 2nd floor
Working Group Community Meeting
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
Chair: Kim Ferguson, DANS
Chair: Marita Everhardt, DANS-KNAW
This community event is open to all at the Annual Event, and is an opportunity for two things: 1. Working Groups to “pitch” their work and projects to those who would like to know more about the WGs. 2. Get Working Groups together to chat and catch up, as well as provide insight to the DARIAH DCO/CIO on how we can better enable WGs to succeed. Light snacks and drinks provided as...
Date: Thursday, 20/June/2024
Welcome coffee
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
Auditory Workflows
Location: Auditorium B3, 5th floor
Chair: Marita Everhardt, DANS-KNAW
Ethical Workflows
Location: Auditorium C1 (EC), ground floor
Chair: Andrew Janco, University of Pennsylvania
Morning coffee break
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
The RSE Turn in Digital Humanities
Location: Auditorium B3, 5th floor
Chair: Natalia Ermolaev, Princeton University
Documenting Workflows
Location: Auditorium C1 (EC), ground floor
Chair: Agiatis Benardou, DARIAH-EU
Lunch break
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
DiMPO WG Revival Meeting
Location: B211, 2nd floor
Chair: Costis Dallas, Vilnius University
Chair: Maciej Maryl, Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences
2:00pm - 2:30pm: Brief review of the past activity of the Digital Methods and Practices Observatory WG - DiMPO ( https://zenodo.org/communities/dimpo); 2:30-3:30pm Planning of next year's activities. Previous and prospective members welcome.
Literary Collections
Location: Auditorium B3, 5th floor
Chair: Anne Baillot, DARIAH
Visual Cultural Heritage
Location: Auditorium C1 (EC), ground floor
Chair: Sally Chambers, DARIAH-EU
Afternoon coffee break
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
DARIAH Themes 2022-2024 Showcase
Location: Auditorium B3, 5th floor
Chair: Toma Tasovac, DARIAH-EU
Featuring updates and reports from projects that were funded under the 2022-2024 DARIAH Theme funding.

Presentations will include:

"Open Bibliodata Workflows" - Vojtěch Malínek
"MobileGIS workflow in archaeological prospection: the case study of a rural site near the Roman city of Mustis (N Tunisia)" - Julia Chyla
"White paper and podcast on workflows in digital projects" - Lucas Burkart
"Harmonizing Workflows in HTR/OCR Publication Pipelines of Textual Heritage" - Mareike König
"MotiveR: a workflow designed to detect significant lexico-grammatical patterns for automatic stylistic analysis" - Antoine de Sacy

https://dariah.zoom.us/j/87832271556?pwd=1XN1w3sh3Wtj89cV0t29jtnEXYFgUE.1 Meeting ID: 878 3227 1556 Passcode: 167024
Poster & Demo Session
Location: B207/B210, 2nd floor
Social Dinner in Lisbon
Registration required, registration closes June 4th: https://forms.gle/PkfZJDnKcHH92fSz5
Date: Friday, 21/June/2024
Welcome coffee
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
Workflows for Cultural Heritage
Location: Auditorium B2, 3rd floor
Chair: Andrea Scharnhorst, Data Archiving and Networked Services, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science
Morning coffee break
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
DARIAH: Reflection on 10 Years
Location: Auditorium B3, 5th floor
Chair: Toma Tasovac, DARIAH-EU
satellite room: B2
Stream: https://dariah.zoom.us/j/87031124913?pwd=9asMpkXZfIHPO3lOf8Gx77Jb48tapT.1 Meeting ID: 870 3112 4913 Passcode: 779909
Closing Remarks
Location: Auditorium B3, 5th floor
Chair: Toma Tasovac, DARIAH-EU
Including the announcement of where the AE will be in 2025...
Brown Bag Lunch (take away with you)
Location: Cafeteria, B007, ground floor
Women Writers in History WG Workshop
Location: B304, 3rd floor
Chair: Amelia Sanz, Complutense University of Madrid
Chair: Isabel Maria Lousada, NOVAFCSH

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