Topic: Canceling or deleting registrations for participation

You might want to cancel participant registrations for various reasons.

For instance: You want to remove the test registrations or the registration form was enabled by accident before all relevant settings were completed.

What do you have to consider when removing the status "participant"?

(A German version of this article is available.)

Please go to the List of Participants to cancel a registration for participation:
Overview  => User and Participant Management => List of All Registrations for Participation
Click on the button "Cancel Registration" in the right-hand column "Action" (see image 1).

You have three options to cancel a participation as listed on the next screen (see image 2):
  • with cancellation fees
  • without fees and
  • remove registration from database

Please use the appropriate option and consider that:
  • participants usually have to pay a service fee if they want to cancel their registration as stated in the registration terms of your event.
  • if participants have already paid the participation fee, their payment has to be (partially) refunded.
    Please click on "Manage Payments" in the right-hand column "Action" to create a payment refund in ConfTool.
  • you have already issued an invoice for this participant; therefore you might have to consider the removal of the invoice number for your bookkeeping, too.

If you want to delete a registration from the database for good, please select the last option "Cancel registration and remove participant registration details from database" on the second page of the process (see image 2). Please note that the user account will not be deleted and the user can now register as participant anew.

For more information on deleting users, please consult the following entries:
"Editing / deleting users",
"Error message when deleting a user"  and
"Finally deleting users/mail addresses".