Topic: No topic offered when trying to submit a paper

Authors cannot select any topics on the submission form, even though we defined them.
The corresponding element "Topics" appears on the form, but the list of topics itself is not shown.
Instead there is the message: "No topics were assigned to this track yet.”
What can we do?

When you use the Track-Chair-Module, please check if the assignment of topics to tracks has been enabled.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Main Settings
or alternatively:
Overview => Settings => Main Settings for Paper and Abstract Submission
... and check the setting for the option "Assign Topics to Tracks"  (see image 1).

If enabled, topics MUST be assigned to a track / submission type.
If topics are not assigned to tracks /submissions types, they are not shown on the submission form.

To assign topics to tracks / submission types, please go to:
Overview => Settings => Assign Topics to Tracks
... and choose a track to assign topics to it (see image 2).

Alternatively, disable the option "Assign Topics to Tracks", if you want to show all topics on the submission form.

For further information please refer to:
Track-Chair Module: Assigning Persons, Topics and Submission Formats to Tracks

Another reason might be, that you enabled topic groups and assigned all topics to a topic group, but you did not select to show "Topic Groups" for the corresponding track / submission type.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types / Conference Tracks
... to change the option "Topics" as required.