Topic: Transferring data from ConfTool to SCOOCS

SCOOCS is a web-based event and community platform for virtual and hybrid events. As an organizer, you can create an agenda, designate moderators for sessions and link session rooms with video conferencing tools or pre-recorded material. SCOOCS can import selected data directly from ConfTool via a REST API.

Please follow these steps to transfer participant data and session information from ContTool to SCOOCS.

To enable the ConfTool interface to SCOOCS, please proceed to this ConfTool Pro page:
Overview => Data Import and Export => Integrations With Other Systems

In the section “Interfaces to Virtual Places” enable the option Interface to "SCOOCS".
For the option “Select Participant Group for Export” define which users you want to import into SCOOCS.
Likewise, for the option “Agenda Export Options” specify which data you want to export from ConfTool.
Here you can also find the API Key and Conference URL you will have to enter in SCOOCS later (see image 1).

Now continue to import the selected data from ConfTool into SCOOCS.
  • Import Participants
    As a host, open your SCOOCS event and in the section “Event Management Tools” select the link “Manage” in the box “Registration”  (see image 2).
    On the new page “Registration” scroll down to the section “Integrations” and click the link “ConfTool Integration” (see image 3).
    In the pop-up window “ConfTool Integration” enter the API Key and the Conference URL provided in ConfTool (see images 1 and 4).
    On the new page “Participants List” you will see a message about successful data transfer (see image 5).
    Please check the list to make sure that the data transfer was carried out correctly.
  • Import Agenda
    Again, as a host, open your SCOOCS event and in the section “Event Management Tools” select the link “Manage” in the box “Program Management”.
    On the new page “Stages”, select the function “If you finalized your program on ConfTool You can import it here!” (see image 6).
    A pop-up window called “ConfTool Integration” appears. Now enter the API Key and the Conference URL provided in ConfTool.
    Back on the page “Stages” you will see a message about successful data transfer (see image 7).
    Please check the list to make sure that the sessions, presentations and further details were imported correctly.

For more information on how to use SCOOCS, head on over to the SCOOCS help center.