Topic: Summary of options for participants for online events

We are planning to go virtual with our conference. During the live event, we want participants to be able to access all relevant ConfTool features in one place. Can ConfTool Pro support us with this task?

For online and hybrid events, ConfTool Pro offers a number of options. You can find an overview of all available features here: Organize a Virtual or Hybrid Conference with ConfTool Pro. You can activate a section called "Conference Participation" for all users, which summarizes the most important options during the actual event (see image 1). This new section will appear at the top of the ConfTool overview page. This will allow users to access these functions at a prominent spot during the live event.

To activate the feature, please go to:
Overview => Settings => Settings for the Section "Conference Participation"

First, please activate the 'Section “Conference Participation”'. For the option "Enable Module and Select Start and End Date" move the toggle switch to "Enabled" (see image 2). For the option “Phase ends on” make sure to choose a date in the future.

Once activated, continue to define which options for the Section "Conference Participation" are supposed to appear.
You can choose from these four selections (see image 1):
  • Show Summary of Bookings and Links to External Resourcesa
    Participants can access an overview page with their booked events / items. For each event, you can define a link to an external resource that participants can access. This is helpful if you want to grant access to video streams or online meeting tools only to participants who have booked / paid for specific events / items.
    You can find a detailed manual here: How to connect events from participant registration of ConfTool Pro to external resources
  • Conference Agenda: Show Overview Page with All Conference Sessionsb
    Users can directly access and browse the conference agenda. This can also come in handy when you want to share links to external resources in the sessions or presentations or allow users to create their own personal schedule.
  • Participants Can Access the Official List of Attendeesa
    When activated, participants can access a list with all registered conference participants who have agreed to appear on it. Depending on the settings for the list, this could include full contact information and a portrait photograph.
  • Discussion Function for Sessions and / or Presentations
    • You can let users post new messages to discuss sessions / presentations when you activate the module “Users Can Post New Discussion Messages for Sessions and / or Presentations”. You need to grant users access to the conference agenda (see above) and the discussion function has to be enabled in the settings of the corresponding sessionsb.
    • If you want your attendees to engage with one another in personal chats, then activate the module “Users Can Post New Personal Discussion Messages”. Access to the official list of attendees has to be enabled, too (see above)a.
    • Hint: If a user has contributed to a discussion already, the link “Your Discussions” will appear in the “Conference Participation” box, regardless whether the corresponding modules are enabled or disabled.

Please note:
  • The options listed above will still be displayed in other sections of the overview screen if they are enabled while the section "Conference Participation" is disabled.
  • The link to edit the conference profile or the name badge details will appear in the "Conference Participation" box together with any of the other options. You can disable this feature here:
    Overview => Settings => Main Settings for Participant Registration
    … and scroll down to the section “Participant List Options / Conference Profile”.
    For the option “Select Mode” choose the setting “Off - No online list of participants.”

a only available when you have booked the participant registration module
b only available when you have booked the submission, reviewing and scheduling module