Topic: Unassign reviewers from submissions and delete reviews

We would like to unassign reviewers from submissions, as some reviewers refused to review certain submissions.
We would like to delete a certain review, as it is inappropriate.
We used the automatic assignment process for some tests and would like to delete all assignments to start from scratch.

Does ConfTool Pro provide the corresponding functions? How do we have to proceed?

ConfTool Pro provides two options to unassign reviewers from submissions as well as delete already submitted reviews: You can unassign each review assignment manually or use our automatic function for several review assignments.

Please note that only administrators can delete submitted reviews and that the deletion of a review cannot be undone.
  • Unassign reviewers / delete reviews manually

    Please go to the list of submissions:
    Overview => Submissions & Reviews => List of Submissions
    …and in the column “Actions” on the right click on the link “Assign Reviewers” (see image 1), which allows you to assign program committee (PC) members and reviewers to the selected contribution as well as to unassign these experts. On the next page you will find a list of reviewers who have already been assigned to this submission.
    • Unassign reviewer
      If you are a Chair or an Admin, please choose the reviewer who should be unassigned and click on the checkbox “Unassign” to cancel the review assignment (see image 2). Alternatively, use the option “Unassign & Set Conflict” if you want to set a conflict of interest for this reviewer at the same time. Please use the button “Save Data” to submit your selection.
    • Delete review
      If you have administrator status and a review has already been submitted, you can also use the action “Unassign & Delete Review” to delete all data of the corresponding review (see image 2). Please use the button “Save Data” to submit your selection. An alert message appears asking you if you really want to delete the selected review and the corresponding evaluation data of the reviewer. Click on "OK" to proceed.
      Please note that this operation cannot be undone! We recommend exporting your reviews first.

    Alternatively, you can use the list of Reviewers and PC members to unassign reviews. Please go to:
    Overview => Submissions & Reviews => Program Committee and Reviewers
    …and in the column “Actions” on the right click on the link “Assign Reviews”. You get to a list of submissions assigned to this person for reviewing.
    Now proceed as described above.

    Please note that you can give the right to delete already submitted reviews to Chairs and Conference Chairs on the following page:
    Overview => Settings => Settings for User Registration => Main Settings for User Registration and Management
    Go to the option “Chairs May Assign Review” and use the setting “Yes, and they can also DELETE completed Reviews…”.
    This setting will also allow users with the role Conference Chairs to delete reviews.
  • Unassign reviewers / delete reviews by using our automatic function

    If you want to delete several review assignments or already submitted reviews, you can use our automatic function. This function is only available to administrative users. Please go to:
    Overview => Submissions & Reviews => Delete Several Review Assignments or Submitted Reviews

    Different filters are available for selecting the reviews to delete (see image 3). You can filter by the submission type / track, the acceptance status of a submission or use special filters, for example “only contributions with (missing) uploads”, “contributions with missing copyright form signature” and many more.
    Furthermore, you can filter open reviews only so that only reviews that have not been completed by PC members will be unassigned from them.
    You can also delete only reviews assigned by a specific chair and choose from a list of all conference chairs.
    Finally, please select the processing action “Unassign & Delete Review” or “Clear Review Data & Keep Assignment”. If you choose the second one “Clear Review Data & Keep Assignment”, only the data of already submitted reviews will be removed. The assignments of the reviewers to the submissions will remain unchanged.

    Please use the button “Check Data and List Reviews” to check the filtered review assignments before deleting them. On the next page you will find a list of all reviews which are going to be unassigned / deleted (see image 4). Click on the button “Delete Listed Reviews (Irreversible!)” to unassign / delete the listed reviews permanently or go back to make changes.

    Please note that an unassignment or deletion cannot be undone! We recommend exporting your reviews first.