The ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) as a persistent, unique digital identifier used to uniquely identify academic authors. The ORCID of each author can be requested during the submission process on the submission form.
The entry of the ORCOD can be made optional or mandatory. To enable it, please go to
Overview => Settings => Main Settings for Abstract and Paper Submission… and scroll down to section “Form Settings for all Submissions”. Also, you can define whether the ORCID is mandatory or optional and if it will be verified automatically (see image 1). If the verification is enabled, the format and the checksum of the ORCID will be tested. If not, authors can enter anything in the field.
During the submission process, the submitting author will be asked for the ORCID of each author when entering author details (image 2).
ConfTool organizers can see the ORCID on the page containing the contribution details (image 3).
If you need the ORCID in the export of contributions, please select the check box “Customized author format: List of all names, organizations and e-mails in separate columns” to retrieve the ORCID in a separate column for each author (image 4).
For detailed information on ORCID please consult
ORCID Trust's website or the
Wikipedia page on this topic.