Topic: Downloading all uploads of submitted contributions  (Read 63261 times)

We want to download the uploads of all submitted contributions that have been accepted to be included in our book of abstracts.
What is the easiest way to go forward?

In order to download the uploads of contributions please go to the list of submissions:
Overview => Submissions & Reviews => List of Submissions
Use any of the filters available to display only the submissions you are looking for (e.g. filter by acceptance status).
Then open the dropdown menu "Related Functions", which you can find on the right hand side below the navigation bars (see image).

Please use one of the two options:
  • Save files of current page as ZIP: This option will create a ZIP file with all documents from submissions that are displayed on the current page.
  • Save all files as ZIP using current filter settings: This option will create a ZIP file with all documents from submissions for which the current filter is true. It will include all files, i.e. also those that might not be displayed on the current page due to settings of the "Per Page" option in the list itself.
For further information, please also take a look at our full manual Downloading Multiple Files from ConfTool.

Please note that you can define how ConfTool generates file names for these downloads.
Take a look here for more information: Changing the generated filename of papers

Please take a look at this page if you are looking for a way to download the abstracts when they were entered in the text field and are not available as uploads: Exporting all abstracts for the printed conference program