Meta-Reviewers" stands for a reviewing option that allows the corresponding reviewers / PC members to access the reviews of all their co-reviewers of the submissions for which the organizers assigned this role to them. Please note that this is not a user status in general, but a status that is set during the assignment process for each review assignment separately.
To use this role, please go to:
Overview => Settings => Main Setting for Paper Reviewing … and scroll down to the section "Review Options" and update the option "Enable Meta-Reviews?" (image 2).
Hint: There is a second function called "
Senior Reviewers" that has the same function (it just has a different name and may allow you to distinguish two different groups of "Meta-Reviewers") and it can be enabled on the same page if you activate the expert settings at the bottom of the page first.
Now you can see an extra checkbox on the pages to assign reviewers to submissions and submissions to reviewers (see image 3).
Furthermore, you can enable a messaging function that allows Meta-Reviewers to send messages to the other reviewers via the system. Please go to
Overview => Settings => Main Settings for the Review Process... and there down to section "Messaging between Chairs, Meta-Reviewers, Senior Reviewers and Reviewers".
You can find more information here:
Meta reviewers / Providing access to the reviewers of the same papers