As a starting point, you can always
filter all reviews on this page:
Overview => Submissions & Reviews => Results of the Reviewing Procedure & Decision About AcceptanceIf you want to
create a detailed report of all reviews, i.e. is a Word document that lists each review with details on a separate page, you will first have to
export all reviews as .XLS or .CSV and then
create a serial letter based on the export as data source.
Here is a short step-by-step guide:
First, create the export of all reviews. Please go to:
Overview => Data Import and Export => Export DataFor your export, please choose the option "
Export of Reviews" (see image).
Second, open the
template that is provided below (
template-print-review-report.doc) and use the
mail merge function of your word processing programme together with the exported file as the data source.
You will find more information on how to create serial letters here:
Creating Name Badges and the List of Participants.