Topic: Configuration of the review forms in ConfTool Pro

How can we adapt the review forms to fit our requirements?
What options do we have for the different review forms?
Where can we set the weighting factors for the different elements in the form?

(A German version of this article is available.)

ConfTool Pro offers many options to adapt the review forms to your requirements.
Here you can find answers to the most frequent questions.

First of all, the system provides four standard review forms you can choose from: Default, Simple, Minimal (with the overall recommendation only) and Comments Only (without scores).
Below you can find examples of these four forms (in English).

You can set the preferred review form per conference track / submission type (see image below).

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types and Conference Tracks
... scroll down to the option ""Class name of review form" and choose the form you would like to employ (see image).
If we developed a customized review form for you, you can find the according form there, too.

Please also consider the settings in the section "Review Options" of the conference track / submission type.

The setting "Double Blind Reviews" allows to hide authors names from reviewers, but please note that this will (of course) not remove any author information from the submitted files. Only the file names are anonymized.
Please also refer to this forum entry: Are names of authors visible to reviewers?

For the "Default" and the "Simple" forms, the weighting factors for each criterion (review category) can be set, too.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Review Form Options and Factors
... to set the weighting factors for each criterion. You can also disable criteria here.

Please note that we do not recommend setting the "Overall recommendation" to 0%, as this might be confusing or lead to (logically) inconsistent review results. If you click on "Edit Phrase", you can edit the wordings of each criterion (see image below).

If you do any updates, please test them!

Mainly for the "Default" review form, there are more settings available on the page "Review Form Options and Factors":
Overview => Settings => Review Form Options and Factors

All available options are explained in full in the manual "Configuration of the Reviewing Functions", particularly in this section:
"Configuration of the Review Forms in ConfTool Pro".
