Topic: Allow bidding for potential reviewers

I would like to allow reviewers to select the papers they would like to review themselves.

If you want reviewers to allow to select their preferred papers, please use the bidding function of ConfTool Pro.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Conference Phases and Deadlines
... and enable the corresponding phase "Bidding: Reviewers Can Bid for Submitted Contributions".
For the option "Enable Module and Select Start and End Date" move the toggle switch to "Enabled".
Continue to define the phase via the option "Set Start and End Date".

Furthermore, make sure that the bidding function is enabled for each of the submission types / tracks (it is enabled by default).

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types / Conference Tracks
... and edit all relevant submission types / tracks.
Ascertain that in the section "Review Options" the option "Bid for Contributions" is enabled (this is the default, see Image 1).

Another option could be to use an "Open Review Process".

"Open Review" means that every user can review any paper.
No bidding is required, no reviews are assigned to reviewers.
Users just start with the reviewing process at any time for any paper they like.

The open review process is mainly used for conferences with a community in which the organizers want to allow all authors and interested people to see all submitted papers and to write reviews for these.

You will find a detailed explanation here: Open Review Process: All users shall be able to access and review all papers