Topic: Add VAT to Events/Items after participants have already registered

Several participants have already registered, but we just found out that we need to add VAT rates for some events. We already tried to add a VAT rate, but the field to enter the rate is already disabled. Is it still possible to change the VAT rate?

Recommended approach: Please contact us and we will (usually) be able to help you with such an issue.

If you want to do the update yourself, please proceed as follows:

As administrator you are usually only able to change the VAT rate for events without registrations, as updates will also change the data of already registered persons. Therefore editing many parameters of such events/items is locked.

First, create a backup of the participant data using the export function and save all original invoices.
On a locally hosted system create a database backup, too.

If the VAT rate does not exist yet, create the new VAT rate first:
Overview= >Settings= >Manage VAT / GST Rates,
Click on the "create" button (see image 1) and enter the new rate accordingly (image 2).

Then you need to unlock the updates function for all related events/items. Select the required event/item, and click on the button “Edit Event/Item” (image 3). Now, on the update page please add "&force=1" to the URL in the address bar manually (at its end) and press enter. This gives you the option to select the new VAT rate (image 4).

After changing all required VAT rates, you have to run an update of all invoices.
To do so, please go to:
Overview => User and Participant Management => Check Consistency of Participant Data

If you cannot find this option, you can add the parameter adminParticipantsCheckConsistency to the URL manually, to check the consistency of the participant data. Example:
https: //

Finally, use the bulk mail function to inform all participants about the updated fees / invoices.