However, when you want to obtain for example an overview of the geographical spread of accepted papers, use the export function of ConfTool and then continue to analyze the data in a suitable office application, as there is no direct statistical evaluation for submissions and the country of their authors.
Please go to:
Overview => Data Import and Export => Export Data
... to export users, authors, participants or papers.
You can for instance open the file in Microsoft Excel (or OpenOffice Calc) and then analyze the data according to country or region. You can also use Excel to create charts and other graphical evaluations.
In order to count the number of items per country, insert two columns after "country". Now use the "Advanced Filter" of Excel (Data => Filter => Advanced Filter) to copy the records as unique entries to the next column. In the third column, use the command "=countif(from:to, value)"* to count the occurrences of each country in the original column and have the results displayed in the third column (see screenshot).
This data can now easily be used to create a chart.
* In der deutschen Excel-Version heißt das Kommando "=zählenwenn(von:bis; wert)" (mit einem Semikolon statt eines Kommas).