Topic: How to enter and mark invited talks

Our conference will feature a series of talks with speakers who will present their invited talks.
What options do we have to enter these contributions in ConfTool and mark them as invited talks?

ConfTool offers you several options:

For the first two options: Enter the contribution for the presenter in his/her account as an admin user. If the presenter does not own a user account yet, please create one for him/her.
Then go to the user account by clicking on his/her name:
Overview => User and Participant Management => List of All Users

In the box "Actions" on the right, click on "New Paper", select a corresponding submission type / track and enter the details of the contribution for the presenter (see image 1).

  • For a conference with only a small number of invited talks, ConfTool offers a default acceptance status "Invited" (see image 2).
    Overview => Settings => Manage Acceptance Status

    You can assign the status "Invited" to the submissions / invited talks here in order to mark them:
    Overview => Manage Submissions & Reviews => Results of the Reviewing Procedure & Decision About Acceptance
  • For lager conferences with several invited talks you can create a new submission type / track for invited talks only (see image 3).
    Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types / Conference Tracks

    You will probably want to hide this submission type / track from all other users, therefore you can uncheck the option "Enabled". Only you, as the conference organizer, will then be able to enter submissions in this submission type / track (see image 4).

    While entering the contribution for the presenter, choose this submission type / track. Then set an acceptance status like "Accepted" or "Invited" so that the contribution can be used in the conference agenda as well.
  • If you do not want to create user accounts or submissions for invited talks, you can also use the field "Session Abstract" to enter the details of the presentation directly when you create or edit a session:
    Overview => Conference Program Scheduling => Create, Configure and Delete Sessions