Topic: Hiding events / items on the participant registration form

Registration has already started and now we have decided not to offer some of the sub-events anymore.
How can we hide these events / items on the registration form?

In order for events not to be visible on the participant registration form, please edit them here:
Overview => Settings => Manage Events and Items => Edit Event/Item

Go to the section "Additional Options" at the bottom of the page and for the option "Visual Style of the event" choose the setting "Hide on registration form (this event/item is neither visible nor available to normal users)." (see Image).

You can also change this status back to "Normal (default)" if you decide later that you want to offer the event / item to the participants.


There is an alternative.
If you want to disable an event after a certain registration phase (Time Discount) has ended that you had defined here:
Overview => Settings => Edit Time Discounts
... like "early bird registration", deactivate that time discount for an item within the corresponding price category.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Prices
Activate the "Expert Settings" in the bottom navigation bar and deselect the check boxes for the corresponding prices (see Image 2).

Please note that all events with this price category will be completely hidden after early bird ends and not be visible to new participants any more.

You will find more information about price categories and their usage here:
How to use "Price Categories"