A short technical explanation:
The salutations are taken from a separate table in the ConfTool Pro database. These database entries are created during the first system call (initialization), using the wording found in the corresponding language definitions.
If the language specifications are changed after the first access to the system, there will be inconsistencies in the database table "salutations".
You can manually update the salutations at any time here:
Overview => Settings => Settings for User Registration => Manage Titles / Salutations
Alternatively, you can re-initialize the salutation table with the default entries, by going to the above page and adding &clear=yes to the URL in the address bar. The full URL will look like this:
www conftool.net/yourconference/index.php?page=adminToolSalutations&clear=yes
What happens is that the database table "salutations" is emptied using the command: "delete from salutations;".
Please remember to logout and login again to see the results of this process in your installation.