An open review process can be easily defined.
You need to enable the open review mode of ConfTool Pro and adjust the corresponding conference phases to fit your needs.
To switch to the open review mode, please go to:
Overview => Settings => Main Settings for the Review ProcessEnable the Expert settings at the bottom of the page by selecting “Expert Settings”.
The page now displays a new section called
'”Open Review” Process?' (see image 1).
- Choose “Yes” if you want all users to see all submissions, all existing reviews, and give them the right to create reviews for any submission. The names of the reviewers will not be displayed to the authors.
- Choose “Yes, ... and reviewer names (!) will be revealed to the authors” if you also want the names of the reviewers to be visible to the authors.
set the corresponding conference phases to fit your needs:
Overview => Settings => Conference Phases and Deadlines- Enable the "submission phase".
- Enable the "Reviewing phase: PC members and reviewers can access the submitted contributions assigned to them for review".
Now all users can act as reviewers and may view and review all submissions.
We recommend one more setting for the open review process:
If you want the authors to access their reviews before the submission status has been set to "accepted" or "rejected", you have to modify the default acceptance status "On Hold".
To do so, please go to:
Overview => Settings => Manage Acceptance StatusEdit the status "
On Hold" and set the option "
Show Results" to "Detailed: Show also the detailed review results" (see image 2).
Now, authors can view the reviews and will receive a confirmation e-mail whenever a new review is submitted.
Additional InformationConfTool Pro also offers an "
Open Peer Review" where the reviewers’ names are shown to the authors and vice versa.