Topic: Invitation of participants to whole event free of charge

Some of my students are going to register for participation for the conference.
I don’t want them to pay any fees for the conference as this is their first and it should be a learning experience for them.

How can I let certain participants register free of charge?

If you deal with a small number of people, you can always set the admission to be free of charge after the registration has been done by the participants.

First, the registration for participation must be completed by the participants concerned.

Then, please go to:
Overview => User and Participant Management => List of All Registrations for Participation
Select the corresponding participants and in the right column "Action" select "Edit Registration" (see image 1).
On the new page "Edit Participant Data" in the section "Payment Details" for the option "Method of Payment" choose the setting "Admission free of charge (only visible to admins and assistants)" and save the new setting (see image 2).

Back in the "List of All Registrations for Participation" the payment mode "Free" will appear in green in the column "Pay. Mode".

Should the participant have already paid, the amount paid will appear in red and highlighted in yellow in the column "Paid".

If you deal with a larger number of invited people, please also have a look at:
How to offer reduced fees for participants with a special registration code and
Using the Invitation Function of ConfTool Pro

Another option is to assign the special user status "Registration Fees Waived" to specific users before they register as participants.
Users with this special status can carry out the participant registration without having to pay any fees.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Settings for User Registration => Main Settings for User Registration and Management
… and enable the option 'Show User Statuses "Approved to Submit", "Approved to Participate" and "Registration Fees Waived"' (image 1).

Now head on over to the user account of the person that you would like to allow to register for free.
Please go to:
Overview => User and Participant Management => List of All Users
… in the column "Action" select "Edit User" and on the new page scroll down to the section "Administrative Data" to assign the status "Registration Fees Waived" (image 2).
Only Admins, Assistants and Chairs can set this status.

In order to test the updated status, in the list of all users, you can use the "Log in as" option to log in to the account of a user who has the status "Registration Fees Waived".
You can find more information about how to test the settings here: How can I test the settings?