Topic: Status “Reservations” – asking authors to revise contribution

We have finished the reviewing process, but several contributions need revision and we want to ask the respective authors to make the necessary changes.
However, the status “On Hold” is not shown to these authors as on the setting page for this status, the option “Show results” is set to "not accessible by authors" (per default) and a warning sign appears before we can make any changes to this status.

Can we still use “On Hold” as status for contributions that require revision?

The status “On Hold” is the default status for all new submissions.
“On Hold” therefore is defined as the status prior to any decision making of the program committee and thus we advise against changes to this status, as this might lead to confusions.

There is another default acceptance status available for contributions that need revision: It is called “Reservations” and should be used as the status for contributions that still need refinement.

You can make any necessary changes to the acceptance statuses here:

Overview => Settings => Manage Acceptance Status