Topic: Best Paper Award - Discussion after reviewing has finished

As the conference chair, we are putting together the committees to judge contributions for the Best Paper Award. Some nominations have already been signaled to us on ConfTool, but we would like to review the choices and possibly change them and ask all the track chairs to send us an email with a paper ID for their Best Paper Award coice.

How can we signal the track chairs which papers have gotten this special recommendation for best paper?

There are several options. The best solution depends on your requirements.

In the list of review results, you will find that some submissions show a star (see image) if the best paper award function has been enabled
(Go to: Overview => Settings => Review Form Options and Factors).
The star indicates that a reviewer found this paper outstanding and recommended it for the best paper award.

As a chair (conference, program committee or track), you cannot set this star.
It can only be done by reviewers during the reviewing process.
However, there are several ways to communicate to other chairs that a contribution is worthy to be awarded the best paper award.

As an administrator you can:
  • Become a reviewer / meta-reviewer yourself, assign the paper to yourself for reviewing and add a review with your recommendation.
    Please see also: Meta-reviewers / Providing access to the reviewers of the same papers
  • Add internal remarks for candidate papers.
    Either go to:
    Overview => Submissions & Reviews => List of Submissions
    ... and open the relevant submission. Click on "Edit Remarks".
    Alternatively go to:
    Overview => Submissions & Reviews => Results of the Reviewing Procedure & Decision About Acceptance
    ... and click on "Edit Status" to edit the remarks.
  • Create an extra acceptance status for pending papers.
    Please go to:
    Overview => Settings => Manage Acceptance Status
    ... and create a new status e.g. "Recommended for Best Paper Award" (recommendation: copy the status "Accepted" for the new status).
    You can set this status also in the list Overview => Submissions & Reviews => Results of the Reviewing Procedure & Decision About Acceptance".
  • Use the online forum and add your comments and votes there in order for all program committee members to be able to enter the discussion.
    Please go to:
    Overview => Manage Submissions and Reviews => Online Forum for the Program Committee
    ... to access the forum as chair. Program committee members can access it directly on the overview screen.
    Remember to activate the corresponding phase for program committee members:
    Overview => Settings => Conference Phases and Deadlines
    Please see also: Some submission types are not displayed in the "PC Online Forum"