Topic: Exporting all data from ConfTool Pro

I want to export all data from ConfTool Pro. What do I have to do?

(A German version of this article is available.)

It depends on your requirements what data you might want to keep after the conference.
Below are some hints that might help you not to forget anything.

1. Export Functions
Please go to:

Overview => Data Import and Export => Export Data

.... and export all required data here. We recommend calling all available export options step by step.
Under "General Settings for Data Export" you can select the file type of your export: 
- Use the Excel/XML format if you want to open the data in Excel.
- Use the CSV format for all other purposes (also Filemaker, Open Office, Bookkeeping Software etc.)

2. Keep a Copy of All Invoices and Receipts
If you used participant registration and management of ConfTool, it is always advisable to keep a copy of all invoices and receipts.
Please go to:

Overview => User and Participant Management

... and select
a) Bulk Printing of Invoices
b) Bulk Printing of Payment Receipts

Now you can either print all invoices / receipts on paper and/or create PDF files, as described in the documentation How and Why to Create PDF Files.
PDF files are always handy if participants ask you later for a (digital) copy of their invoice.

3. Download Abstracts, Uploaded Files and Copyright Agreements
If you used the system for submissions and reviewing and your authors uploaded files (e.g. PDFs or Word documents), you should save the uploaded files as well.
  • In order to download all final, camera-ready uploads please go to:
    Overview => Submissions & Reviews => Accepted Contributions with Final Versions
    ... open the drop-down menu "Related Functions" and choose the link "Save All Files as ZIP Using the Current Filter" to  download all final version uploads as one ZIP file.
    Alternatively use the Firefox browser extension "DownThemAll" to download all files in one step as described in the documentation Downloading Multiple Files from ConfTool.
  • If you did not ask for final version uploads or if you want to keep all files uploaded before the review process as well, please go to:
    Overview => Submissions & Reviews => List of Submissions
    ... open the drop-down menu "Related Functions" and choose the link "Save All Files as ZIP Using the Current Filter" to  download all first uploads as one ZIP file.
  • In case your authors didn’t upload any files - or if you want to download all abstracts only - please go to:
    Overview => Submissions & Reviews => List of Submissions
    ... and open the drop-down menu "Related Functions". Select the link "Save Abstracts of Current Page to Disk" to save all abstracts that were entered online by authors as one Word file.
  • To download all the signed copyright agreements, please go to:
    Overview => Manage Submissions and Reviews
    ... and select "Show and Print all Signed Copyright Forms".
    Please keep in mind that copyright forms need to be enabled, as described on the page How to let authors sign an electronic copyright form.

4. Copy the Conference Agenda
If you created the conference agenda with ConfTool and want to create a copy of it, please proceed as described in the documentation How to Create a Browsable Copy for CD or USB Flash Drive of the Session Overview.

5. Copy Certain Pages From Conftool
If you think the above export options are not sufficient, you can also use ScrapBook to copy other pages of the system to your hard drive to keep them for reference purposes. You will find more information on how to use ScrapBook here: How to Create a Browsable Copy for CD or USB Flash Drive of the Session Overview.

NB: If you would like us to keep a copy of your conference settings, please let us know.
We can copy all relevant parameters and use them for your next conference.