Topic: Optional instead of mandatory upload of files

We would like to offer our authors to optionally upload files.
How can we do that?

(A German version of this article is available.)

You can define for each submisstion type / conference track separately whether uploads are mandatory or optional.

Please go to the submission types / conference tracks:
Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types / Conference Tracks
Please first activate the expert settings by scrolling to the bottom of the page and clicking on the "Expert Settings Disabled" or the cogwheel icon.

Please make sure that you choose at least one upload for the option "Number of Uploads Required for This Submission Type per Submitted Contribution".
For the option "Upload Mode" change the setting to "Optional" (see image 1).

If you want to make final uploads optional, then please change the setting for the option "Final Upload Mode".

We recommend mandatory uploads so that every author has to submit the same data and meet the same requirements.
This makes it also easier for reviewers to compare submissions and to know what is relevant and what is not.
Please keep in mind that it is also relevant for the agenda and the later publication to have as uniform data as possible.

If you want to have e.g. two mandatory files and one optional file, the above solution does not work well, as this makes all file uploads optional.

However, you can simply change the wording in the system so that users will not get confused by input buttons or warning messages.

Below is an example how to do this for the final uploads.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Wordings and Phrases

1. Change the button "Save Data Without Uploading Files" to "Save Data Now, Do Not Upload More Files" (see image 2)
2. Change the message "Error Uploading File" to "No File Uploaded" (see image 3)

Here are the corresponding codes:

In ConfTool VSIS, file uploads are always considered as mandatory.
However, this is mainly an issue of wordings in the system. The submissions will still be stored in the system even if no files are uploaded.
Therefore, change the following phrases in the system.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Wordings and Phrases
... and change the following definitions to meet your requirements.
We have come up with some phrases that might help.

S_BUTTON_UPLOAD=Upload File(s) [optional]
S_INFO_PAPER_MISSING=No file uploaded. Submitting of a separate paper is NOT mandatory.
S_INFO_PAPER_MISSING_NOTFORGET=If you would like to upload files, do not forget to transfer it before the deadline!
S_NEWPAPER_INTRO_STEP1=Please complete the form below in order to submit your contribution. All fields marked with an asterisk (*) must be filled in.
The next steps will allow you to preview your submission, upload files to the server (optional), and to save your submission.
S_NEWPAPER_INTRO_STEP2_1=You now have the option of uploading a file containing your contribution to the server. If you wish to submit a document at a later time, please click on "Save Submission". <strong>Please note that your file must successfully be uploaded to the server prior to the submission deadline. Submitting of a separate paper is not mandatory! </strong>
S_NEWPAPER_INTRO_STEP2_2=If you wish to upload a file now, please use the form below. If you like, you might update your contribution before the submission deadline.
S_NEWPAPER_SKIPUPLOAD=Save Submission - Upload File(s) Later [optional]

S_PAPER_FORM_UPLOADSECTION=Upload File(s) to Server [optional]
S_PAPER_UPLOADFORM_SUBMIT=Upload File(s) and Save Submission
S_PAPER_UPLOAD_TITLE=Upload File(s) [optional]