Topic: Editing reviews by chairs / admins (without sending notification to reviewers)

Is it possible to edit reviews (formatting, deleting names entered, etc.) without ConfTool sending mail notifications to the reviewers?

When you edit reviews as a user with administrative rights (e. g., administrator, chair) in the backend of ConfTool, the original reviewer is never automatically informed.

To edit reviews, please follow these steps:
     1. Please go to:
          Overview => Submissions & Reviews => Results of the Reviewing Procedure & Decision About Acceptance

     2. Select the submission you intend to edit by clicking on the title of the submission.

     3. Scroll down the review section and select the review to be edited in the overview table (see image 1).

     4. Scroll down to the bottom of that page and in the section "Actions" click on "Edit Review" (see image 2).

If you need information on editing or removing files uploaded by reviewers, please consult this page:
Remove or edit the file uploaded by a reviewer.

Automatic e-mails about changes and edits in the reviews are sent to reviewers and authors only if the editing has been done by a reviewer.

In order for this function to work properly, please check the following settings:

For reviewers to receive the automatic e-mails, please go to:
  • Overview => Settings => E-mail Settings
    In the section "E-mail Settings for the Submission of Reviews"
    please set  the option "Want to send a confirmation e-mail to reviewers when they complete or edit a review?" to "Yes".

To automatically inform authors that the review has been changed, please go to:
  • Overview => Settings => E-mail Settings
    In the section "E-mail Settings for the Submission of Reviews"
    please set  the option "Want to send an e-mail to the authors of the reviewed contribution?" to "Yes".
  • The phase for online access of authors to the results of the reviewing procedure must be enabled.
    Overview => Settings => Conference Phases and Deadlines
  • The acceptance status of the contribution must include the visibility of the review results.
    Please go to:
    Overview => Settings => Manage Acceptance Status
    Choose an appropriate setting for the option "Show Results".