Topic: How to minimize the review form to the "Overall Recommendation"

We want reviewers to give an overall recommendation only and not different recommendations (like "quality", "significance", "readability", "evaluation" etc.) with different percentages each.

How can we change the review form?

ConfTool offers a "Minimal Review Form" that consists of the score entry "Overall Recommendation" and the text field "Comments for the Authors" only.
You can set this form for each contribution type / conference track separately.

Please go to:
Overview => Settings => Manage Submission Types / Conference Tracks
... and open a submission type. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the section "Further Settings".
For the option "Class name of review form" choose the setting "Minimal_Form" and save your changes.

Please test your settings!

For more information please refer to:
Configuration of the review forms in ConfTool Pro