Symposium Program

Overview and details of the sessions of the 45th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for further details on the presentations. Once you select a session or choose the List View of the program, you can access the extended abstracts by clicking on the button "Show Downloads" . *** You should be logged into your ConfTool account to be able to see the downloadable items ***

Preliminary Program of the Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing
Invited Session 5: Digital Imaging Technology in Smart Farming and Sustainable Agriculture
Wednesday, 12/June/2024:
1:20pm - 2:40pm

Session Chair: Dr. Derek Peddle
Session Chair: Dr. Keshav Singh
Location: SUB 303

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1:20pm - 1:40pm

Hyperspectral Prediction of Potato Plant Nutrient Deprivation using High-resolution Spectroradiometry for Minimal Input Agricultural Systems

Dr. D. Peddle1, Dr. K. Singh2, Dr. J. Neilson2, B. Curtis1, A. Haller1, D. Kipkoech1, S. Herridge-Berry1

1University of Lethbridge, Canada; 2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

1:40pm - 2:00pm

Leveraging UAV LiDAR and Deep Learning for Monitoring and Auditing Vegetation Growth on Wellsites

Dr. Z. Xi, D. Movchan, A. Van Dongen, D. Degenhardt

Canadian Forest Service, Northern Forestry Centre, Natural Resources Canada

2:00pm - 2:20pm

Accurate and Fast Crop Residue Estimation from Smartphone Imagery using Residual Attention UNet

M. Rahimzad, S. Homayouni

INRS, Canada

2:20pm - 2:40pm

Alfalfa Stem Count and Winter Mortality Assessment Using Proximal Imagery and Artificial Intelligence

H. Bahrami, Dr. K. Chokmani, Dr. S. Homayouni

Centre Eau Terre Environnement, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Québec, Canada

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