Symposium Program

Industry Session 1: Applied Remote Sensing
Wednesday, 12/June/2024:
1:20pm - 2:40pm

Session Chair: Gordon Staples
Session Chair: Prof. Shabnam Jabari
Location: Scotiabank Auditorium (McCain Building)

1:20pm - 1:40pm

A Hybrid Approach for Automatic Missing Road Detection

Dr. M. Ahmed, Dr. A. Smith, Dr. S. Sattar, Dr. J. Salter, S. Long

Esri Canada

1:40pm - 2:00pm

A Deep Learning System for Automated Detection of Whales in Very High Resolution Satellite Imagery in North Atlantic Right Whale Habitats

A. Webster1, Dr. K. T. Davies2, H. Sharma3, V. Babu3, Dr. S. Brillant4, C. G. Carlyle2, R. Edgell5, Dr. D. Johnston5, G. L. Lonati1, O. Tsui1

1Hatfield Consultants, 200-850 Harbourside Dr, North Vancouver, BC V7P 0A3; 2Department of Biological Sciences, University of New Brunswick, 355 Campus Ring Road, Saint John, New Brunswick, NB E2L 4L5; 3AltaML., 10130 103 Street #2200 Edmonton, AB T5J 3N9; 4Canadian Wildlife Federation, Halifax, 110 Chain Lake Dr., Unit #3J Halifax, NS B3S 1A9; 5Nicolas School of the Environment, Duke University, Grainger Hall 9 Circuit Drive, Durham, North Carolina 27708, USA

2:00pm - 2:20pm

Applications of Drone Technology for Heritage Property Monitoring and Conservation

H. Ge, K. De Mille

Ontario Heritage Trust, Canada

2:20pm - 2:40pm

Photogrammetric Inspections of Underground Infrastructure with a Single Axis Robotic Head

R. Keizer, C. Bradley

Bradley Engineering Ltd., Canada