Symposium Program

Overview and details of the sessions of the 45th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for further details on the presentations. Once you select a session or choose the List View of the program, you can access the extended abstracts by clicking on the button "Show Downloads" . *** You should be logged into your ConfTool account to be able to see the downloadable items ***

Preliminary Program of the Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing
Date: Thursday, 13/June/2024
3-Minute Thesis Competition
Location: SUB McInnes Room
Keynote 4: Two Paths Becoming One: An Indigenous Perspective on Earth Observation
Location: Scotiabank Auditorium (McCain Building)
Speaker: Nikki Tulley
Health Break
Location: SUB McInnes Room
Invited Session 6: AI4EO - Artificial intelligence for Earth observation analytics
Location: Scotiabank Auditorium (McCain Building)
Chair: Dr. Masoud Mahdianpari
Chair: Dirk Werle
10:20am - 10:40am

Enhancing Crop Cover Estimation and Mapping using Machine Learning Approaches in Google Earth Engine

M. Rahimzad, S. Homayouni

10:40am - 11:00am

High-resolution Pan-Arctic Sea Ice Mapping from Sentinel-1 SAR Images using a Novel Deep Transformer Model

Dr. L. Xu, Dr. D. Clausi

11:00am - 11:20am

Coastal Wetland Carbon Mapping: Integrating Multi-Sensor Observations with Machine Learning

M. Hemati, Dr. M. Mahdianpari, Dr. H. Shiri, Dr. F. Mohammadimanesh

11:20am - 11:40am

Daily wildfire hotspot prediction using convolutional neural network and long short-term memory

M. Marjani, Dr. M. Mahdianpari, Dr. F. Mohammadimanesh

11:40am - 12:00pm

A Semi-Automatic Multitemporal Approach for Landslide Detection in Remote Regions of Quebec

H. Shahabi, S. Homayouni, B. Giroux, Dr. D. Perret

Scientific Session 08: Remote Sensing for Ecosystem - Part 1
Location: SUB 303
Chair: Dr. Laura Elizabeth Chasmer
Chair: Dr. Sylvain G Leblanc
10:20am - 10:40am

Using Optical Remote Sensing to Monitor and Manage Woody Plant Expansion in Grasslands

I. Soubry, Dr. X. Guo

10:40am - 11:00am

Tracking Cyanobacterial Blooms in Alberta Lakes with Remote Sensing

F. M. Gregory, T. Doan, J. Guo, Dr. R. Vinebrooke, R. Layugan, B. Peter, J. Hird, Dr. C. McClain

11:00am - 11:20am

Segmentation of C Losses from Uplands, Peatlands and Permafrost Plateaus During the Scotty Creek NWT Wildland Fire using Landsat and Lidar

Dr. L. E. Chasmer, L. Flade, E. Jones, K. Nelson, W. Quinton, C. Hopkinson

11:20am - 11:40am

Modeling Forest Plot Decay Levels from Airborne LiDAR Metrics

A. Sani-Mohammed, W. Yao, Dr. R. Fekry, T. C. Wong, M. Heurich

11:40am - 12:00pm

Grassland Mapping in Manitoba Prairie Ecozone Using Satellite Data and Supervised Machine Learning Approaches on Google Earth Engine

M. Mousavi Choobeh, Dr. J. Biney, Dr. M. R. Cordeiro, Dr. N. Badreldin

Scientific Session 09: Remote Sensing for Natural Hazards
Location: SUB 307
Chair: Ashlin Richardson
Chair: Dr. Evangelos Bousias Alexakis
10:20am - 10:40am

Remote Sensing-based Near Real-Time Forecasting of Forest Fire Danger Conditions

Dr. M. R. Ahmed, Dr. Q. K. Hassan, Dr. M. Abdollahi, Dr. A. Gupta

10:40am - 11:00am

Operational Near-real-time Pixel-based Image Compositing for Large-area Fire and Burned Severity Mapping in British Columbia

A. Richardson, S. Siddall, R. Stohmann, Dr. M. Crowley, Dr. M. De Jong, A. Bevington, W. MacKinnon

11:00am - 11:20am

Assessment of ALOS-2 L-Band Polarimetric SAR for Fire Danger Monitoring in Mountainous Forests of British Columbia

M. Loncar, A. Richardson, B. Leblon

11:20am - 11:40am

Landslide inventories for two coastal watersheds in British Columbia using semi-automated detection from satellite imagery.

H. J. Basiuk, D. H. Shugar, S. Kijak

11:40am - 12:00pm

RADARSAT Constellation Mission SAR Data and Deep Learning for Wildfire Monitoring

Y. Ban, Y. Zhao, A. Richardson

Scientific Session 10: Monitoring Cryosphere and Water Resources
Location: SUB 270
Chair: Prof. Chris Hopkinson
Chair: Dr. Celeste Charmaine Barnes
10:20am - 10:40am

Comparing Spatialised Precipitation Estimates with Lidar-based Snow Water Equivalent in a Mountainous Watershed

Dr. C. C. Barnes, Dr. R. J MacDonald, Dr. C. Hopkinson

10:40am - 11:00am

Testing a Remote Sensing-based Sampling and Imputation Framework to Model Regional-scale Mountain Snow Water Equivalent for Drought Mitigation

Dr. C. Hopkinson, Dr. C. Barnes, Dr. B. Newton, F. Aslami, Dr. L. Chasmer, M. Okhrimenko, I. Rodrigues, M. Singer, J. Van Gaalen

11:00am - 11:20am

Polarimetric L-Band ALOS for Permafrost Characterization in the Hudson Bay Lowlands

P. Wilson, R. Touzi, G. Gosselin

11:20am - 11:40am

Snow water equivalent from Ku-band radar: An update on the Terrestrial Snow Mass Mission concept

Dr. J. Bergeron, Dr. C. Derksen, A. Fourmault, Dr. R. Girard, Dr. B. Montpetit, P. Plourde, Dr. V. Vionnet

11:40am - 12:00pm

Bayesian Fusion of Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 Imagery for Lake Ice Monitoring

Dr. H. M. Adebanjo, Dr. C. Chabaani, Dr. S. Homayouni, Dr. K. Chokmani, Dr. N. Rochdi

Location: SUB Lobby (2nd floor)
Delegates may pick up lunch from SUB 2nd Floor Lobby and may choose to have lunch in Cafeteria on the first floor of SUB.
Invited Session 7: Aquatic Remote Sensing
Location: Scotiabank Auditorium (McCain Building)
Chair: Dr. Maycira Costa
Chair: Kristen Lynn Wilson
1:00pm - 1:20pm

Vicarious Calibration and Validation of the WaterSat Imaging Spectrometer Experiment in Québec Coastal Waters

R. Mabit, G. Ifimov, R. Soffer, Y. Pan, S. Mukherjee, S. Bélanger

1:20pm - 1:40pm

Using SAR Imagery to Detect Seasonal Variability of Kelp Forests in British Columbia

M. Konik, E. Loos, A. Mora-Soto, S. Schroeder, L. Gendall, L. Man, V. Caron, M. Henley, P. Rezania, M. Costa

1:40pm - 2:00pm

Spectral Herring Spawning Index: a novel method for the detection of Pacific Herring spawning in British Columbia

L. T. Dallaire, M. Costa

2:00pm - 2:20pm

Adjacency Effect Modelling and Correction for Optical Remote Sensing of Inland and Coastal Waters

Y. Wu, A. Knudby

2:20pm - 2:40pm

Using Optical Remote Sensing to characterize the Spatio-Temporal Resilience of Floating Kelp Beds in the Broughton Archipelago, BC, Canada

L. Man, Dr. R. V. Barbosa, L. Gendall, L. Y. Reshytnik, A. Wachmann, A. Gray, Dr. C. Neufeld, N. Dedeluk, E. Wisden-Seaweed, U. Kim, A. Wadhams, J. Johnson, J. Alfred, J. Webber, D. Wadhams, T. Alfred, D. Johnson, Dr. M. Costa

Scientific Session 11: Remote Sensing for Ecosystem - Part 2
Location: SUB 303
Chair: Prof. Aaron Andrew Berg
Chair: Prof. Brigitte Leblon
1:00pm - 1:20pm

Severe droughts are putting Canadian peatland carbon stocks at risk: a remote sensing analysis of fire selectivity and behavior in peatlands over the extreme 2023 fire season

Dr. N. Pelletier, Dr. D. Thompson, N. Pontone, L. Guindon, Dr. K. Millard

1:20pm - 1:40pm

Monitoring Post-Wildland Fire Vegetation Regeneration using Lidar and Spectral Indices in Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta

J. F. Van Gaalen, Dr. C. Hopkinson, J. Aspinall, B. Pearse, Dr. L. Chasmer

1:40pm - 2:00pm

Distribution of Combustible Fuels in Canada’s Iconic Montane National Parks under Variable Management and Disturbance Conditions using Airborne Lidar and the arboSense Fuels Tool

Dr. L. E. Chasmer, T. Skretting, Dr. C. Shang, O. Tsui, S. Parsian, Dr. Z. Xi, E. A. Jones, Dr. A. Dean, Dr. C. Watson, J. Park, Dr. P. James, Dr. J. Boucher, C. Hopkinson

2:00pm - 2:20pm

In Situ Modeling of Freezing/Melting Point Depression Across Diverse Canadian Ecosystems: An Analysis of Soil Freezing Characteristics Using Permittivity and Temperature Measurements

H. Salmabadi, A. Berg, A. Roy

2:20pm - 2:40pm

Remote sensing of vegetation with small drones over a bog and its surrounding land

Dr. S. Leblanc, Dr. H. P. White

Scientific Session 12: Application of Remote Sensing in Forestry
Location: SUB 307
Chair: Prof. Richard Fournier
Chair: Dr. Karin Yvonne van Ewijk
1:00pm - 1:20pm

Integrating Spaceborne LiDAR GEDI and Multitemporal Optical and SAR Data with a Deep Learning Model to Map Forest Canopy Height in Ontario, Canada

Dr. J. D. Bermudez Castro, Dr. C. Rogers, Dr. C. Sother, Dr. A. Gonsamo

1:20pm - 1:40pm

Individual Tree Crown Delineation for Coniferous Trees Using StarDist Model

Dr. F. Tong, Prof. Y. Zhang

1:40pm - 2:00pm

Tree Species Classification on Hyperspectral Imagery Using Fewer Training Samples

Dr. F. Tong, Y. Zhang

2:00pm - 2:20pm

Direct Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass from UAV LiDAR Observations for a Red Pine Plantation in Southern Ontario

J. Chau, K. So, S. Rudd, D. T. Robinson, A. Gonsamo

2:20pm - 2:40pm

Individual Tree Crown Detection and Delineation Using Mask R-CNN with LiDAR Data in a Mixed-Wood Forest

Q. Li, B. Hu

Scientific Session 13: Satellite Data, Mapping, and Machine Learning
Location: SUB 270
Chair: Tom Lukowski
Chair: Daniel Alan Jewell
1:00pm - 1:20pm

Estimating Tailings Storage Facility Bathymetry Using Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery and Machine Learning

Dr. C. Stringari, Dr. J. Engelbrecht, Dr. B. Eaton

1:20pm - 1:40pm

Automated detection of Mine Tailings via Object-Based classification of Sentinel-2 Images

D. A. Jewell, Dr. L. M. Campbell, Dr. H. P. White

1:40pm - 2:00pm

Mapping Burn Severity across Canada

S. Rodrigue, Dr. E. Whitman, L. Guindon, Dr. D. Correia, R. Skakun

2:00pm - 2:20pm

Development of high resolution Vegetation Index Data from JPSS

Dr. Y. Yu, Dr. Y. Zhou

2:20pm - 2:40pm

Using Satellite Products to Estimate Wetland Parameters of a Semi-Distributed Hydrological Model

A.-M. Laroche, Y. Duguay, M. Trudel, A. N. Rousseau

Health Break
Location: SUB McInnes Room
Closing Session and Symposium Awards
Location: Scotiabank Auditorium (McCain Building)
Symposium Survey
Location: Online Survey
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