4:20pm - 4:40pmID: 287
/ PS #10: 001
Profiles of natural tracers in porewater of a Mesozoic rock sequence in northern Switzerland
Thomas Gimmi1,2, Paul Wersin1, Lukas Aschwanden1, Jin Ma1, H. Niklaus Waber3, Martin Mazurek1, Carmen Zwahlen1, Christoph Wanner1, Daniel Traber4
1University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 2Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland; 3WaterGeoChem Consulting, Bern, Switzerland; 4NAGRA, Wettingen, Switzerland
4:40pm - 5:00pmID: 359
/ PS #10: 002
Quantifying the evolution and transport of helium in porewater across the Mesozoic sedimentary sequence in northern Switzerland
Daniel Rufer1, Jin Ma1, Christoph Wanner1, H. Niklaus Waber2, Daniel Traber3
1University of Bern, Switzerland; 2WaterGeochem Consulting, Bern, Switzerland; 3Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland
5:00pm - 5:20pmID: 288
/ PS #10: 003
Transport characteristics and barrier quality of a 134 m thick Opalinus Clay formation in southern Germany obtained from its porewater noble gas profile
Johanna Lippmann-Pipke1, Samuel Niedermann2, Karsten Osenbrück1, Hua Shao1, Daniel Rufer3, Thomas Mann1
1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany; 2German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ), Potsdam, Germany; 3University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
5:20pm - 5:40pmID: 312
/ PS #10: 004
Multiscale experimental comparison of water diffusion by neutron tomography in a porous clay medium partially water-saturated
Lucas Désert1,2,3, Sébastien Savoye3, Emmanuel Tertre1, Alessandro Tengattini4, Arnaud Mazurier1, Baptiste Dazas1, Laurent Michot5, Pierre Henocq2, Christophe Tournassat6, Eric Ferrage1
1Université de Poitiers, IC2MP, France; 2Andra, France; 3CEA, France; 4ILL, France; 5Sorbonne Université, Phénix, France; 6ISTO, France
5:40pm - 6:00pmID: 161
/ PS #10: 005
Streamlined modelling approach for transport of natural organic matter linked transport of radionuclides in Boom Clay
Norbert Maes1, Joan Govaerts1, Stéphane Brassinnes2
1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium