Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Plenary #6: Technology
Thursday, 28/Nov/2024:
8:30am - 10:00am

Session Chair: Christophe Nussbaum, swisstopo, Switzerland
Session Chair: Stéphan Schumacher, Andra, France
Location: Eilenriedehalle B

Invited Keynote: Thomas Lautsch (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung, Germany) "KONRAD REPOSITORY - GROUND-CONTROL IN CHALLENGING CLAY STRATA"

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8:30am - 9:00am
Invited Keynote
ID: 461 / Plenary #6: 001


Thomas Lautsch

Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung, Germany

9:00am - 9:20am
ID: 228 / Plenary #6: 002

Evaluating the Performance of the Composite Seals at Canada's Underground Research Laboratory (2008-2023)

Priyanto Deni1, Kim Chang Seok2

1Canadian Nuclear Laboratories, Canada; 2Nuclear Waste Management Organization, Canada

9:20am - 9:40am
ID: 206 / Plenary #6: 003

A vertical Sandwich shaft sealing system at the Mont Terri rock laboratory

Katja Emmerich1, Eleanor Bakker1, Matthias Hinze2, Klaus Wieczorek2, Thomas Nagel3, David Jaeggi4, Senecio Schefer4, Jürgen Hesser5, Markus Furche5, Rainer Schuhmann6, Franz Königer6, Uwe Glaubach7, Christopher Rölke8, Ralf Diedel9, Juan Carlos Mayor10, José Luis García-Siñeriz11, Philipp Schädle12

1Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany; 2Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany; 3TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 4Bundesamt für Landestopografie (swisstopo), Switzerland; 5Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), Germany; 6Ingenieur-Gesellschaft für Sensorik in der Umwelttechnik mbH (ISU), Germany; 7Ingenieurpartnerschaft für Bergbau, Wasser und Deponietechnik (IBeWa), Germany; 8Institut für Gebirgsmechanik (IfG), Germany; 9Stephan Schmidt Gruppe, Germany; 10Empresa nacional de residuos radiactivos (Enresa), Spain; 11Amphos 21, Spain; 12Eidgenössisches Nuklearsicherheitsinspektorat (ENSI), Switzerland

9:40am - 10:00am
ID: 432 / Plenary #6: 004

Contribution of Meuse / Haute-Marne URL to HLW cell design, construction methodology and phenomenological behavior knowledge


andra, France

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