ID: 182
Microstructural Examination of Gas Migration Influence in Heterogeneous Pellet/Powder Bentonite Mixtures Using X-ray Computed Micro-Tomography
Mohammed ZAIDI, Nadia MOKNI, Magdalena DYMITROWSKA, Kui LIU
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), PSE-ENV/SPDR/LETIS, Fontenay-aux-Roses, F-92260, France
Appl. Poster AwardID: 133
Suitability investigations of Lithuanian clay formations for the deep geological repository of radioactive wastes
Roma Kanopiene
Lithuanian geological survey, Lithuania
ID: 356
Modelling of unsaturated homogenisation with an enhanced bentonite material model using COMSOL Multiphysics
Alex Spetz, Ola Kristensson, Daniel Malmberg
Clay Technology, Sweden
ID: 165
CEC as quality proof for smectitic phases in lower Cretaceous clay rocks – illite-smectite ± pure smectite?
Reiner Dohrmann1,2, Kristian Ufer1, Tilo Kneuker1, Jochen Erbacher1,2, André Bornemann1
1BGR, Germany; 2LBEG, Germany
ID: 170
Multi-scale 2D and 3D characterisation for enhanced understanding of UK lower strength sedimentary rocks.
Kevin G Taylor, Lin Ma, Holly Mills, Xin Zhong, Ke Wang
University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Appl. Poster AwardID: 243
Unravelling the depositional model of the Opalinus Clay using grain-size variability
Géraldine Nicole Zimmerli1, Stephan Wohlwend2, Gaudenz Deplazes3, Thomas Mann4, Anneleen Foubert1
1Department of Geosciences, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland; 2Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 3Nagra (National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste), Wettingen, Switzerland; 4Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany
ID: 253
Influence of texture on the chloride accessible porosity fraction explored by SEM and µCT data
Carmen Andrea Zwahlen1, Thomas Gimmi1,2, Andreas Jenni1, Martin Mazurek1, Daniel Traber3, Raphael Wüst3
1University of Bern, Switzerland; 2Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland; 3Nagra, Switzerland
ID: 308
Exploring the dynamics of aquifer - aquitard systems: new insights from 81Kr model ages
Daniel Traber1, Nicolas Roy1, Emiliano Stopelli1, Michael Heidinger2, Florian Eichinger2, Christoph Wanner3, Thomas Gimmi3, H. Niklaus Waber4, Jin Ma3
1Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland; 2Hydroisotop GmbH, Schweitenkirchen, Germany; 3University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland; 4WaterGeoChem Consulting, Bern, Switzerland
ID: 344
Mont Terri BIM — Project overview and technical realisation
Martin Ziegler1, Senecio Schefer1, Stefan Volken2
1Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), St-Ursanne, Switzerland; 2Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), Wabern, Switzerland
ID: 425
Geochemistry and pore water in the lower confining units of the Opalinus Clay at Mont Terri Rock Laboratory (Switzerland)
Ana María Fernández1, Catherine Lerouge2, Francisco Javier León1, Paula Nieto1, David Jaeggi3, Michael Kühn4
1CIEMAT, Spain; 2BRGM, France; 3Swisstopo, Switzeland; 4Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam, Germany
ID: 328
Underground storage of high-grade radioactive waste in mudrock: In search of the Holy Grail
Laurence Warr, Georg Grathoff
University of Greifswald, Germany
ID: 131
Development and Emplacement of an Annular Grout Envisaged for HLW Emplacement Drifts to Study Long-Term Interaction with Opalinus Clay
Lukas Martin1, Wolfgang Seidl2, Sebastian Kernbichl2, Nicole Wieser2, René Bolliger3, Julien Bizzozero3
1Nagra, Switzerland; 2Master Builders Solutions Deutschland GmbH, Trostberg, Germany; 3Master Builders Solutions Schweiz AG, Holderbank, Switzerland
ID: 292
Monitoring fluid movement and swelling pressure development in semi-technical scale Sandwich sealing system experiments
Martin Hofmann1, Eleanor Bakker2, Franz Königer3, Thomas Nagel1, Rainer Schuhmann3, Katja Emmerich2
1TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany; 3ISU mbH, Germany
Appl. Poster AwardID: 385
3D Hydro-Mechanical modelling to support the design of the REG experiment in the Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone
Gilles Corman1, Abhishek Rawat1, Jean Talandier2, Rémi de La Vaissiere2, Youssef Fawaz2, Frédéric Collin1
1University of Liège, Belgium; 2Andra, France
ID: 186
Development of Boron-Enhanced Metakaolin-Based Geopolymers for the Immobilisation of Radioactive Debris with the potential of Neutron Absorption
Xiaobo Niu, Yogarajah Elakneswaran, Ryosuke Kikuchi
Hokkaido University, Japan
Appl. Poster AwardID: 205
Performance of MoxOy pH sensor prepared by thermal oxidation for the long term monitoring of nuclear waste disposals
Djouhar AOUBIDA1,3, Stéphanie BETELU1, Johan BERTRAND2, quoc-nghi PHAM3, Nita DRAGOE3, Ioannis IGNATIADIS1
1BRGM (French Geological Survey), Orleans, France; 2ANDRA (French national radioactive waste management agency), Châtenay-Malabry, France; 3ICMMO (Institute of Molecular Chemistry and Materials), Orsay, France
ID: 1464
Cation exchange capacity measurement for bentonite-cement reactions in a nuclear waste disposal - what are we really measuring?
Arkadiusz Derkowski1, Adam Zięba1, Reiner Dohrmann2,3, Stephan Kaufhold3
1Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland; 2tate Authority for Mining, Energy and Geology (LBEG), Hannover, Germany; 3Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Hannover, Germany
Appl. Poster AwardID: 441
Influence of microstructure and pore saturation in measuring corro-sion rates of a carbon steel API 5L X65 in contact with cement grout in future nuclear waste disposal program
Yendoube Charles SANO MOYEME1, Stéphanie BETELU1, Johan BERTRAND2, Stéphane GABOREAU1, Karine GROENEN-SERRANO3
1BRGM, France; 2ANDRA, France; 3LGC, France
Appl. Poster AwardID: 245
Differentiation of fractures and rock mass deformation in clay rocks by Machine Learning
Rushan Wang1,2, Andrea Manconi1,2, Martin Ziegler3
1WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF; 2Climate Change, Extremes and Natural Hazards in Alpine Regions Research Centre CERC; 3Swiss Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo)
ID: 400
Large-scale reactive transport simulations of uranium migration in Opalinus Clay accelerated by means of surrogate models
Marco De Lucia1, Max Lübke2, Theresa Hennig1, Bettina Schnor2
1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Fluid Systems Modelling, Potsdam, Germany; 2University of Potsdam, Institute of Computer Science, Potsdam, Germany
ID: 109
Measurement of pore water density in a bentonite using decalin
Hailong Wang
Waseda University, Japan
ID: 145
Development of test specimens for evaluating permeability measurements of tight rocks
Carlo Dietl
Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE), Germany
ID: 163
CP1 and Tribicarb-3D: unique long term and large scale in situ migration tests in Boom Clay at the HADES Underground Research Laboratory
Marc Aertsens1, Eef Weetjens1, Joan Govaerts1, Norbert Maes1, Stéphane Brassinnes2
1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium
ID: 266
Esra Orucoglu1, Sylvain Grangeon1, Myriam Agnel2, Benoît Madé3, Mathieu Debure1
1BRGM, Orléans, France; 2ANDRA, Centre de Meuse/Haute-Marne, Bure, France; 3ANDRA, R&D Division, Châtenay-Malabry, France
Appl. Poster AwardID: 283
Mechanochemical activation of synthetic Na-n-micas – applications in retention of high-level radioactive waste
Aníbal López-Marín1, Rosa Martín-Rodríguez1,2, Fernando Aguado2,3, Ana C. Perdigón1,2
1QUIPRE Department, University of Cantabria, Avda. Los Castros, 46, 39005, Santander, Spain.; 2Nanomedicine Group, IDIVAL, Avda. Cardenal Herrera Oria s/n, 39011, Santander, Spain.; 3CITIMAC Department, Universidad de Cantabria, Avda. Los Castros, 48, 39005, Santander, Spain.
Appl. Poster AwardID: 318
Development of a separation method for Am-, Sr-, Pu- and U-isotopes in concrete using extraction chromatography
Gloria Steckholzer, Claudia Landstetter, Krystle Elbers, Rainer Kadan
AGES- Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Austria
ID: 332
Migration behaviour of Ra-226 in the sandy facies of Opalinus Clay
Naila Ait-Mouheb1, Victor Vinograd Vinograd1, Martina Klinkenberg1, Jenna Poonoosamy1, Guido Deissmann1, Luc R. Van Loon2, Dirk Bosbach1
1Institute of Energy and Climate Research – Nuclear Waste Management (IEK-6), Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 52428 Jülich, Germany; 2Laboratory for Waste Management, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland
ID: 405
Donnan equilibrium in compacted bentonite
Magnus Hedström1, Ya-Wen Hsiao2
1Clay Technology, Sweden; 2Hartree Centre, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury WA4 4AD, UK
Appl. Poster AwardID: 382
Neptunium migration in Opalinus Clay - one experiment with multiple numerical geochemical solutions
Theresa Hennig1, Madlen Stockmann2, Claudia Joseph2, Vinzenz Brendler3, Tobias Reich4, Michael Kühn1,5
1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Fluid Systems Modelling, Potsdam, Germany; 2Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE), Peine, Germany; 3Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf e.V., Institute of Resource Ecology, Dresden, Germany; 4Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Department of Chemistry, Mainz, Germany; 5University of Potsdam, Institute of Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany
ID: 407
Effective diffusivity prediction by considering multivariable regression and rock properties
Nikolaos Prasianakis1, Romana Boiger1, Georg Kosakowski1, Raphael Wüst2, Sergey Churakov1,3
1Laboratory for Waste Management, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH-5232 Villigen, Switzerland; 2Nagra, Wettingen, Switzerland; 3University of Bern, Institute of Geological Sciences, CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
ID: 179
Successful gas tests at the GAs permeable Seal Test (GAST) - Highlights and lessons learned (Grimsel Test Site, CH)
Emiliano Stopelli1, Thomas Spillmann1, Bill Lanyon2, Rémi de La Vaissière3, Jean Talandier3, Jeremy Chen4, Simon Norris5, Stratis Vomvoris1, Irina Gaus1, Florian Kober1
1Nagra, Switzerland; 2Fracture Systems Ltd, United Kingdom; 3ANDRA, France; 4NWMO, Canada; 5NWS, United Kingdom
Appl. Poster AwardID: 138
Harnessing microbial processes consuming hydrogen in radioac-tive waste repositories
Camille Rolland1, Olivier Leupin2, Rizlan Bernier-Latmani1
1École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) Environmental Microbiology Labo-ratory, CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland; 2National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste CH-5430, Wettingen, Switzerland
ID: 234
Geochemical processes in a repository with clay barriers at high saline conditions
Claudia Joseph
Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung, Germany
ID: 321
Cement-Bentonite Interaction with Different Cement Materials at Elevated Temperatures 2: Modeling
Sohtaro ANRAKU1, Ryohei KAWAKITA1, Yuji HANAMACHI2, Seiichiro MITSUI1, Hiroshi SASAMOTO1, Morihiro MIHARA1
1Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan; 2QJ Science Ltd., Japan
ID: 127
Comparison of different iron/bentonite exhibition tests and effect of the type of exchangeable cation on corrosion products
Stephan Kaufhold1, Kristian Ufer1, Reiner Dohrmann2, Franz Renz3, Rene Lucka3, Maximilian Kilic3
1BGR, Germany; 2LBEG; 3LUH
ID: 241
Concrete-clay interaction – a systematic review and modelling study
Marcelo Laviña1, Andrés Idiart1, Olga Riba1, Fidel Grandia1, Nicolas Michau2, Xavier Bourbon2, Benoit Cochepin2
1Amphos 21 Consulting SL, Spain; 2Andra, France
Appl. Poster AwardID: 258
Studying the reactive transport of CO2 in Opalinus Clay with experimental and numerical analyses
Shuang Chen1, Christian Ostertag-Henning1, Vinay Kumar1, Haibing Shao2, Gesa Ziefle1, Jobst Maßmann1
1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, BGR, Germany; 2Department of Environmental Informatics, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ, Leipzig, Germany
ID: 284
Exchangeable and soluble ion populations in semi-technical scale Sandwich sealing system experiments
Eleanor Bakker1, Martin Hofmann2, Thomas Nagel2, Franz Königer3, Rainer Schuhmann3, Katja Emmerich1
1Institut für Massivbau und Baustofftechnologie (IMB/MPA/CMM), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany; 2Institut für Geotechnik, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 3Ingenieur-Gesellschaft für Sensorik in der Umwelttechnik mbH (ISU), Karlsruhe, Germany
ID: 309
Delving into Bentonite Sedimentation Dynamics
Macarena Leal Olloqui1, Daniel Svensson1, Heikki Laitinen1, Kenji Ishii2, Patrik Sellin1
1SKB (Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB), Oskarshamn, Sweden; 2Kajima Corporation, Tokyo, Japan
ID: 384
Leaching kinetics of metakaolin in alkaline solution
Ryosuke Kikuchi, Xiaobo Niu, Yogarajah Elakneswaran
Hokkaido University, Japan
ID: 444
Reactive transport model of the long-term geochemical evolution in the near field of a HLW repository at the disposal cell scale: sensitivi-ties, variants and model simplifications
Javier Samper, Alba Mon, Luis Montenegro
Universidad de A Coruña, Spain
ID: 450
MINFF: A new classical forcefield for (clay-)minerals
Michael Holmboe
Umeå University, Sweden
ID: 202
Five-year laboratory tests of thermo-hydro-mechanical-chemical evolution of compacted bentonite: an experimental and modelling study
María Victoria Villar1, Andrés Idiart2, Emilie Coene2, Jaime Cuevas3, Ana María Melón1, Ana Isabel Ruiz3, Almudena Ortega3, Rubén Iglesias1, Ville Heino4
1CIEMAT, Spain; 2Amphos 21 Consulting S.L., Spain; 3UAM, Spain; 4POSIVA, Finland
ID: 141
Deriving a Method for Host Rock specific Temperature Compatibility: Clay Rock
Kim-Marisa Mayer, Oliver Czaikowski, Bernd Förster, Matthias Hinze, Artur Meleshyn, Marvin Middelhoff, André Rübel, Klaus Wieczorek, Jens Wolf
Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit, Germany
ID: 251
Influence of temperature on the self-sealing of fractures in the Callovo-Oxfordian claystone
Mensan AGBOLI, Dragan GRGIC, Mohamed MOUMNI
University of Lorraine-CNRS, France
ID: 320
Conclusions on the post-yield behaviour of Opalinus claystone from multistage triaxial tests
Eleni Gerolymatou1, Martin Kracht2, Maximiliano Vergara3
1TU Clausthal, Germany; 2gbm Gesellschaft für Baugeologie und -meßtechnik mbH - Baugrundinstitut, Ettlingen, Germany; 3Skava Consulting, Salzburg, Austria
Appl. Poster AwardID: 372
Effect of pore water salinity on the tensile strength of Boom Clay
Ties de Jong, Bhini Chandan Malagar, Philip J. Vardon, Anne-Catherine Dieudonné
Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands
Appl. Poster AwardID: 394
THM-Modelling of the ALC1605 in situ heating experiment in Cal-lovo-Oxfordian clay formation
Eric Simo1,2, David Seidel1, Thomas Nagel2, Alexandru Tatomir5, Miguel Mánica4, Jörg Buchwald3, Dmitri Naumov3
1BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Peine, Germany; 2Geotechnical Institute, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany; 3Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, Germany; 4Institute of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico; 5BGE, Peine, Germany
ID: 212
Open-source implementation of a transversely isotropic elasto-visco-plastic damage model for clay shales in MFront and OpenGeoSys
Mehran Ghasabeh1, Kavan Khaledi2, Bastian Graupner3, Florian Amann2,4, Thomas Nagel1
1Chair of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Geotechnical Institute, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructure and Geothermal Systems IEG, Competence Center Geomechanics and Georisks, Aachen, Germany; 3Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI), Brugg, Switzerland; 4Chair of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, RWTH Aachen, Germany
Appl. Poster AwardID: 216
Numerical simulation of bentonite saturation at different temperatures
Larissa Friedenberg, Artur Meleshyn, Matthias Hinze
Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany
Appl. Poster AwardID: 187
Temperature history effect on swelling pressure of Kunigel-V1 bentonite cured in confined condition
Kunlin RUAN
Waseda University, Japan
ID: 208
Evolution of gases in an unsaturated bentonite buffer
Mattias Åkesson, Heikki Laitinen, Patrik Sellin
SKB, Sweden
ID: 214
Changes in swelling and hydrological characteristics of compacted bentonite by heating at 200 °C
Yasutaka Watanabe1, Ema Yoshikawa1, Misato Shimbashi1, Shingo Yokoyama1, Takahiro Goto2, Yoichi Yamamoto2
1Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan; 2Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan, Japan
Appl. Poster AwardID: 233
Current status of the in-situ interaction experiment at the Bukov URF
Anna Golubko1, Jan Smutek1, Jiří Svoboda2
1Radioactive Waste Repository Authority - SÚRAO, Czech Republic; 2Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
ID: 269
Sampling, Measurements and Analysis of the Clay Barriers in the Prototype Repository at Äspö HRL
Magnus Kronberg1, Patrik Sellin1, Daniel Svensson1, Fredrik Vahlund1, Torbjörn Sandén2
1SKB, Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company; 2Clay Technology
Appl. Poster AwardID: 303
Investigating thermal coupling in a bentonite buffer
Stamatina Alexandropoulou1, Lidija Zdravkovic1, David Potts1, Matthew Kirby2, Simon Norris2
1Imperial College London, United Kingdom; 2Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom
Appl. Poster AwardID: 1462
Research into the Impact of Non-homogeneity on the Integrity of Bentonite Materials
Markéta Kučerová, Jiří Svoboda
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
ID: 401
TH-Modelling for the in-situ HotBENT experiment at the Grimsel Test Site
Victoria Burlaka1, Eric Simo1,2, Tymofiy Gerasimov1, David Seidel1, Thomas Nagel2, Christoph Lehmann3, Jörg Buchwald3, Dmitry Naumov3, Alexandru Tatomir4
1BGE TECHNOLOGY GmbH, Germany; 2Geotechnical Institute, TU Bergakademie Freiberg; 3Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ; 4BGE mbH, Federal Company for Radioactive Waste Disposal
ID: 123
Influence of sand mixture on gas pressure for bentonite
Tomoyoshi Nishimura
Ashikaga University, Japan
ID: 369
Changing of axial strains in creep performance for bentonite-sand mixture
Tomoyoshi Nishimura
Ashikaga University, Japan
ID: 262
Cation exchange simulation in Wyoming-type bentonite considering mechanical issues
Xavier Pintado1, Rubén López-Vizcaíno2, Ángel Yustres2, Vicente Navarro2, Laura Asensio2, Sirpa Kumpulainen1, Mika Niskanen3
1Mitta Engineering Oy, Finland; 2Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain; 3Posiva Oy, Finland
Appl. Poster AwardID: 391
Benchmarking of Double-Structure Models for the Numerical Simulation of Swelling Clays
Christian B. Silbermann1, Matthias Hinze2, Larissa Friedenberg2, Philipp Schädle3, Markus Knauth4, Thomas Nagel1
1Geotechnical Institute, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany; 2Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Braunschweig, Germany; 3Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI), Brugg, Switzerland; 4Institut für Gebirgsmechanik GmbH, Leipzig, Germany
Appl. Poster AwardID: 341
3D Modelling of Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Processes in Fractured Opalinus Clay Shale
Muhammad Raharsya Andiva1, Qinghua Lei1, Martin Ziegler2
1Department of Earth Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden; 2Federal Office of Topography (swisstopo), Mont Terri URL, St-Ursanne, Switzerland
ID: 116
Impact of desaturation on the diffusion of gases in clay-based samples
Elke Jacops1, Aadithya Gowrishankar1,2, Norbert Maes1,2, Pieter Verboven2, Hans Janssen2
1SCK CEN, Belgium; 2KU Leuven, Belgium
ID: 136
Young’s modulus in claystones – adding complexity, reducing uncertainty
Sandra Schumacher, Werner Gräsle
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany
Appl. Poster AwardID: 160
Gas breakthrough simulation using bimodal porosity and mul-tiscale approach
Eike Radeisen1,3, Hua Shao1, Jürgen Hesser1, Michael Pitz1,4, Wenqing Wang2, Olaf Kolditz2,3
1Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), Germany; 2Helmholtz Center for Environmental Research (UFZ), Germany; 3Dresden University of Technology (TUD), Germany; 4Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (TUBAF), Germany
ID: 250
Development of a two-phase hysteretic model accounting for water and gas entry pressure for evaluating hysteretic hydrodynamic properties of clay-based materials in a deep geological repository for radioactive waste
Zakaria Saâdi
Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire (IRSN), France
ID: 371
Testing device for the visualisation of gas-driven cracks in clays
Joaquín Liaudat, Philip J. Vardon, Michael A. Hicks, Anne-Catherine Dieudonné
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
ID: 387
Erosion of compacted bentonite at elevated temperature
Majid Sedighi, Ziheng Wang, Linhau He, Huaxiang Yan, Mojgan Hadi Mosleh, Andrey Jivkov
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Appl. Poster AwardID: 412
Observations and Quantification of Gas Flow in Sand-Bentonite Mixtures using Analogue Tests
Elliot James Muir Bird, Robert Cuss, Phil Neep
British Geological Survey, United Kingdom
ID: 178
FE-G: 10 years of gas dynamics observations at the Full-Scale Emplacement experiment (Opalinus Clay, Mont Terri, CH)
Emiliano Stopelli1, Typhaine Guillemot1, Myriam Agnel2, Scott Briggs3, Fraser King4, Rolf Kipfer5, Simon Norris6, Nikitas Diomidis1, Irina Gaus1, Raphael Schneeberger1
1Nagra, Switzerland; 2ANDRA, France; 3NWMO, Canada; 4ICC Ltd, Canada; 5Eawag, Switzerland; 6NWS, United Kingdom
ID: 159
14 years long Gas Experiment in borehole PAC1011 at ANDRA’s Un-derground Research Laboratory: Modelling the injection and transport of an Argon/Helium gas mixture in the Callovo-Oxfordian Claystone under in situ conditions
Nicolas Barret1, Jean Croisé2, Agnès Vinsot3, Myriam Agnel3, Rémi de La Vaissière3
1INTERA, France; 2INTERA, Switzerland; 3ANDRA, France