Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
2 min poster presentation #1
Monday, 25/Nov/2024:
12:00pm - 12:30pm

Location: Eilenriedehalle B

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12:00pm - 12:02pm
2 min poster
ID: 2454

Study on the construction of disposal scenarios and a tentative migration modelling of cesium for the final disposal of radioactive-ly contaminated waste outside of Fukushima Prefecture

Eriko Minari, Kazuo Yamada, Kazuto Endo

National Institute of Environmental Studies, Japan

2454-Minari-Study on the construction of disposal scenarios and a tentative migration modelling_Video.mp4
2454-Minari-Study on the construction of disposal scenarios and a tentative migration modelling_Abstract.pdf

12:02pm - 12:04pm
2 min poster
ID: 2130

Investigating the Effects of Small Organic Molecules on the Adsorption of Uranyl on Clay Minerals with Molecular Dynamics

Jakub Ličko, Andrey G. Kalinichev

SUBATECH (UMR 6457 – IMT Atlantique, Nantes Université, CNRS-IN2P3), France

2130-Ličko-Investigating the Effects of Small Organic Molecules_Video.mp4
2130-Ličko-Investigating the Effects of Small Organic Molecules_Abstract.pdf

12:04pm - 12:06pm
2 min poster
ID: 2156

Numerical investigation of pore characteristics in spherical and platelet particle beds

Otono Miura1, Ryunosuke Oishi1, Tsubasa Yagi2, Shusaku Harada1

1Hokkaido University, Japan; 2Radioactive Waste Management Funding and Research Center, Japan

2156-Miura-Numerical investigation of pore characteristics in spherical and platelet particle_Video.mp4
2156-Miura-Numerical investigation of pore characteristics in spherical and platelet particle_Abstract.pdf

12:06pm - 12:08pm
2 min poster
ID: 2378

Migration of caesium decreases with increasing compaction of MX-80 bentonite

Theresa Hennig1, Sina Grossmann2, Jens Mibus3, Luc R. Van Loon4, Martin A. Glaus4, Vinzenz Brendler5

1GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Fluid Systems Modelling, Potsdam, Germany; 2VKTA Radiation Protection, Analytics and Disposal Rossendorf Inc., Environmental and Radionuclide Analyses, Dresden, Germany; 3Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE), Department A Supervision, Berlin, Germany; 4Paul Scherrer Institut, Laboratory for Waste Management, Villigen PSI, Switzerland; 5Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf e.V., Institute of Resource Ecology, Dresden, Germany

2378-Hennig-Migration of caesium decreases with increasing compaction_Video.mp4
2378-Hennig-Migration of caesium decreases with increasing compaction_Abstract.pdf

12:08pm - 12:10pm
2 min poster
ID: 2172

Understanding the Effect of Indigenous Microorganisms in Bentonite on the Biocorrosion of Metal Canisters, for the Final Disposal of Nuclear waste (Under Relevant DGR Conditions)

Adam David Mumford1, Marcos Martinez-Moreno2, Cristina Povedano-Priego2, Mar Morales-Hidalgo2, Miguel Ruiz-Fresneda2, Yon Ju-Nam1, Mohamed L. Merroun2, Jesus J. Ojeda1

1Swansea University, Department of Chemical Engineering, United Kingdom; 2University of Granada, Department of Microbiology, Spain

2172-Mumford-Understanding the Effect of Indigenous Microorganisms_Video.mp4
2172-Mumford-Understanding the Effect of Indigenous Microorganisms_Abstract.pdf

12:10pm - 12:12pm
2 min poster
ID: 2293

Temperature Influence on Swelling Pressure of Ca-Bentonite up to 150 °C

Deuk-Hwan Lee, Gi-Jun Lee, Seeun Chang, Minhyeong Lee, Seok Yoon, Chnagsoo Lee, Dong-Keun Cho

Korea Advanced Energy Research Institute, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

2293-Lee-Temperature Influence on Swelling Pressure of Ca-Bentonite up_Video.mp4
2293-Lee-Temperature Influence on Swelling Pressure of Ca-Bentonite up_Abstract.pdf

12:12pm - 12:14pm
2 min poster
ID: 2298

Implications of groundwater composition on the performance of ben-tonite components in nuclear waste disposal facilities

Han Ming Lai1, Lidija Zdravkovic1, David M. Potts1, Matthew Kirby2

1Imperial College London, United Kingdom; 2Nuclear Waste Services, UK

2298-Lai-Implications of groundwater composition on the performance_Video.mp4
2298-Lai-Implications of groundwater composition on the performance_Abstract.pdf

12:14pm - 12:16pm
2 min poster
ID: 2431

Role of poromechanical couplings in gas fracturing around an excavation

Mohammad-Youssef FALLAH-SOLTANABAD1, Amade POUYA1, Laurent BROCHARD1, Minh-ngoc VU2, Christophe DE LESQUEN2

1Navier Laboratory, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Gustave Eiffel University, CNRS, 77455 Marne la Vallée, France; 2Andra R&D, 92290 Châtenay-Malabry, France

2431-FALLAH-SOLTANABAD-Role of poromechanical couplings in gas fracturing around an excavation_Video.mp4
2431-FALLAH-SOLTANABAD-Role of poromechanical couplings in gas fracturing around an excavation_Abstract.pdf

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