Conference Agenda
Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).
Session Overview |
Date: Sunday, 24/Nov/2024 | |
List of all Posters Location: Eilenriedehalle A Display list by clicking here The posters are on display every day! But they will be presented in three exhibition sessions. See below in the agenda for presenter slots "Poster exhibition..." one poster exhibition session on each conference day. Staff will support presenters in attaching their posters to the boards on Sunday (during registration/icebreaker) and Monday morning. Posters not removed by Thursday end of lunch will be disposed of. Display list by clicking here | |
3:00pm - 6:00pm | Scientific support programme: Mini-lectures Location: Blauer Saal |
6:00pm - 8:00pm | Icebreaker + Registration Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
Date: Monday, 25/Nov/2024 | |
8:30am - 10:00am | Registration |
10:00am - 10:30am | Opening ceremony Location: Eilenriedehalle B Session Chair: Astrid Göbel, BGE, Germany Session Chair: Johanna Lippmann-Pipke, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, BGR, Germany |
10:30am - 12:00pm | Plenary #1: National Case Studies Location: Eilenriedehalle B Session Chair: Stéphan Schumacher, Andra, France Session Chair: Maarten Van Geet, ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium Invited Keynote: Irina Gaus (Nagra, Switzerland) "Optimisation of Clay based Repository Concepts_from site selection to operations" |
12:00pm - 12:30pm | 2 min poster presentation #1 Location: Eilenriedehalle B |
12:30pm - 1:30pm | Lunch Break Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
1:30pm - 2:30pm | Poster exhibition #1 Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
2:30pm - 3:50pm | PS #1: EDZ related processes Location: Roter Saal Session Chair: Johanna Lippmann-Pipke, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, BGR, Germany Session Chair: Christophe Nussbaum, swisstopo, Switzerland |
2:30pm - 3:50pm | PS #2: Bentonite stability Location: Bonatz Saal Session Chair: Lucie Hausmannova, SÚRAO, Czech Republic Session Chair: Patrik Sellin, SKB, Sweden |
2:30pm - 3:50pm | PS #3: Radionuclide diffusion and sorption Location: Blauer Saal Session Chair: Erika Anne Cornelia Neeft, COVRA, Netherlands, The Session Chair: Thorsten Schäfer, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany |
3:50pm - 4:20pm | Coffee Break Location: In front of the lecture halls |
4:20pm - 6:00pm | PS #4: Repository projects and programmes Location: Roter Saal Session Chair: Astrid Göbel, BGE, Germany Session Chair: Shigeru Kubota, Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan, Japan |
4:20pm - 6:00pm | PS #5: Geological setting and clay host rock Location: Bonatz Saal Session Chair: Simon Norris, Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom Session Chair: Amade Halasz, PURAM, Hungary |
4:20pm - 6:00pm | PS #6: Clay-iron/-cement interaction Location: Blauer Saal Session Chair: Reiner Dohrmann, LBEG, Germany Session Chair: Mika Olavi Niskanen, Posiva Oy, Finland |
6:00pm - 8:00pm | Networking event / Get-together Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
Date: Tuesday, 26/Nov/2024 | |
8:00am - 8:30am | Registration |
8:30am - 10:00am | Plenary #2: Geochemistry Location: Eilenriedehalle B Session Chair: Thorsten Schäfer, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany Session Chair: Erika Anne Cornelia Neeft, COVRA, Netherlands, The |
10:00am - 10:30am | Coffee Break Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
10:30am - 12:00pm | Plenary #3: High temperature effects Location: Eilenriedehalle B Session Chair: Irina Gaus, Nagra, Switzerland Session Chair: Reiner Dohrmann, LBEG, Germany Invited Keynote: Liange Zheng (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, United States of America) "Understanding bentonite buffer under high temperature: modeling and tests"
12:00pm - 12:30pm | 2 min poster presentation #2 Location: Eilenriedehalle B |
12:30pm - 1:30pm | Lunch Break Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
1:30pm - 2:30pm | Poster exhibition #2 Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
2:30pm - 3:50pm | PS #7: Mineralogical and hydrogeochemical characteristics Location: Roter Saal Session Chair: Christophe Tournassat, Universtité d'Orléans (France) / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA), France Session Chair: Johanna Lippmann-Pipke, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, BGR, Germany |
2:30pm - 3:50pm | PS #8: THM heater experiments Location: Bonatz Saal Session Chair: Patrik Sellin, SKB, Sweden Session Chair: Weimin YE, Tongji University, China, People's Republic of |
2:30pm - 3:50pm | PS #9: THM modelling Location: Blauer Saal Session Chair: Wolfram Rühaak, BGE Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, Germany Session Chair: Olaf Kolditz, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH UFZ, Germany |
3:50pm - 4:20pm | Coffee Break Location: In front of the lecture halls |
4:20pm - 6:00pm | PS #10: Geochemistry and fluid migration Location: Roter Saal Session Chair: Christophe Tournassat, Universtité d'Orléans (France) / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA), France Session Chair: Juan Carlos Mayor, Enresa, Spain |
4:20pm - 6:00pm | PS #11: THM bentonite Location: Bonatz Saal Session Chair: Weimin YE, Tongji University, China, People's Republic of Session Chair: María Victoria Villar, CIEMAT, Spain |
4:20pm - 6:00pm | PS #12: Performance and uncertainty assessment Location: Blauer Saal Session Chair: Xavier Sillen, ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium Session Chair: Wolfram Rühaak, BGE Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH, Germany |
6:00pm - 11:59pm | Conference dinner Location: Hangar No. 5 |
Date: Wednesday, 27/Nov/2024 | |
8:00am - 8:30am | Registration |
8:30am - 10:00am | Plenary #4: Gas Location: Eilenriedehalle B Session Chair: Maarten Van Geet, ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium Session Chair: Simon Norris, Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom |
10:00am - 10:30am | Coffee Break Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
10:30am - 12:00pm | Plenary #5: Competence building and transfer Location: Eilenriedehalle B Session Chair: Juan Carlos Mayor, Enresa, Spain Session Chair: Astrid Göbel, BGE, Germany Invited Keynote: Christophe Bruggeman (Belgian Nuclear Research Center) "Competence building in the frame of radioactive waste management: challenges and expectations" |
12:00pm - 12:30pm | 2 min poster presentation #3 Location: Eilenriedehalle B |
12:30pm - 1:30pm | Lunch Break Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
1:30pm - 2:30pm | Poster exhibition #3 Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
2:30pm - 3:50pm | PS #13: HM Processes Location: Roter Saal Session Chair: Wiebke Baille, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany Session Chair: Xavier Sillen, ONDRAF/NIRAS, Belgium |
2:30pm - 3:50pm | PS #14: Colloid formation from bentonite Location: Bonatz Saal Session Chair: Mika Olavi Niskanen, Posiva Oy, Finland Session Chair: Christophe Tournassat, Universtité d'Orléans (France) / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA), France |
2:30pm - 3:50pm | PS #15: Numerical tools for HMC processes Location: Blauer Saal Session Chair: María Victoria Villar, CIEMAT, Spain Session Chair: Lucie Hausmannova, SÚRAO, Czech Republic |
3:50pm - 4:20pm | Coffee Break Location: In front of the lecture halls |
4:20pm - 6:00pm | PS #16: (T)HM experiments Location: Roter Saal Session Chair: Patrik Sellin, SKB, Sweden Session Chair: Wiebke Baille, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany |
4:20pm - 6:00pm | PS #17: Repository engineering Location: Bonatz Saal Session Chair: Shigeru Kubota, Nuclear Waste Management Organization of Japan, Japan Session Chair: Amade Halasz, PURAM, Hungary |
4:20pm - 6:00pm | PS #18: Gas related processes Location: Blauer Saal Session Chair: Simon Norris, Nuclear Waste Services, United Kingdom Session Chair: Irina Gaus, Nagra, Switzerland |
Date: Thursday, 28/Nov/2024 | |
8:00am - 8:30am | Registration |
8:30am - 10:00am | Plenary #6: Technology Location: Eilenriedehalle B Session Chair: Christophe Nussbaum, swisstopo, Switzerland Session Chair: Stéphan Schumacher, Andra, France Invited Keynote: Thomas Lautsch (Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung, Germany) "KONRAD REPOSITORY - GROUND-CONTROL IN CHALLENGING CLAY STRATA"
10:00am - 10:30am | Coffee Break Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
10:30am - 11:40am | Plenary #7: Machine learning Location: Eilenriedehalle B Session Chair: Olaf Kolditz, Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung GmbH UFZ, Germany Session Chair: Stéphan Schumacher, Andra, France |
11:40am - 12:30pm | Closing ceremony (awards) Location: Eilenriedehalle B Session Chair: Astrid Göbel, BGE, Germany Session Chair: Johanna Lippmann-Pipke, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe, BGR, Germany Conclusion by Dr. Thomas Lautsch (BGE); Panel discussion and Awarding of the poster prizes |
12:30pm - 1:30pm | Lunch Break Location: Eilenriedehalle A |
2:30pm - 5:30pm | Scientific support programme: workshops, seminars Location: BGR |
Date: Friday, 29/Nov/2024 | |
6:00am - 3:00pm | Exc. Konrad: Excursion to DGR Konrad Location: DGR Konrad |
6:00am - 3:00pm | Exc. Morsleben: Excursion to DGR Morsleben Location: DGR Morsleben |
9:00am - 12:30pm | Scientific support programme: technical visits Location: BGR |
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