ConfTool Pro was created by:
Dr. Harald Weinreich
Hochrad 58
22605 Hamburg
If you want to use ConfTool Pro for your conference,
please send an e-mail to
More information can be found on the website of the ConfTool Conference System.
ConfTool Pro is a robust and mature system, that supports many tasks of the conference organizer:
online submission of papers,
bidding for reviews,
assignment to reviewers based on biddings and conference topics,
download of the assigned papers by the reviewers,
submission of reviews,
support of the PC-meeting, either locally or online by a forum,
easy assignment of accepted contributions to conference sessions,
administation of final uploads,
scheduling of the conference,
bulk mailings to reviewers, authors, participants and other groups of users,
conference participant registration with a flexible registration form generator,
administration of participants, payments, events, and products,
registration of participants at the conference site,