Programa de actividades

VB01: Connecting human rights, LGBT rights and diplomacy
Viernes, 18/10/2024:
10:30 - 11:50

Moderador/a: Dr. Cristóbal Collignon de Alba
Comentarista: Dr. Eduardo Luciano Tadeo Hernández
Lugar: Auditorio Académico

Edificio Secretaría Académica, 1er Piso, Facultad de Contaduría y Administración, Circuito Universitario Campus ll

Conferencia magistral a cargo del Dr. Douglas Janoff


Connecting human rights, LGBT rights and diplomacy

Dr. Douglas Janoff

Global Affairs Canada, Canadá

In this presentation, Dr. Douglas Janoff, a Canadian diplomat, explores how human rights violations based on sexual and gender identity have impacted both multilateral and bilateral human rights diplomacy. Using the perspectives of practitioners – diplomats, UN experts, and civil society representatives – a picture emerges of an assertive global LGBTQ movement working closely with diplomats from North America, Latin America and Europe to advocate for a universalist approach to LGBTQ human rights. In turn, opposing states deploy cultural, religious and moral discourses to minimize LGBT rights as a “legitimate” human right, resulting in polarization. Dr. Janoff considers some policy solutions that have the potential to bridge the considerable political, cultural and diplomatic divisions.