Contact and Legal Notice


Event Details

ACLA 2024
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences

McGill University - Montréal, June 12-14 2024



The following organizer is responsible for the contents of this ConfTool installation:


Association canadienne de linguistique appliquée /
Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (ACLA)
Dr. Sunny Man Chu Lau
Full Professor, School of Education

Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Integrated Plurilingual Teaching and Learning
N 312A, Bishop's University
2600 College, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada J1M 1Z7

Phone: 819 822 9600 x 2385

Contact Address:

Homepage URL:


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Privacy Statement · Conference: ACLA 2024
Conference Software: ConfTool Pro 2.6.151
© 2001–2024 by Dr. H. Weinreich, Hamburg, Germany