Index of Authors

A list of all persons who contribute to the sessions of this conference. Please select a letter below to list all persons with the corresponding surname. Select the presentation in the right-hand column to access session and presentation details.

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Author(s) Organization(s) Session
Abdul Rahman, Alias3D GIS Research Lab, Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia;
Universiti Teknologi Malaysisa, Malaysia
3D Point cloud processing and analysis
CONFERENCE DINNER @Augustiner Stammhaus Marienplatz
Agugiaro, Giorgio3D Geoinformation group, Delft University of Technology;
3D Geoinformation Group, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Urbanism;
Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, The
3D Data Modelling and Topology
Applications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Software and Tools for 3D Spatial Data  Presenter
Ahmad, AfnanYork University, CanadaIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation  Presenter
Anders, KatharinaTechnical University of Munich, Germany;
Heidelberg University, Germany
3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Andritsou, DimitraNational Technical University of Athens, Greece, GreeceGIS / BIM Integration  Presenter
Aneiros Egido, DiegoUniversity of Vigo, SpainVR / AR and Visualization
Angermann, Lucas DominikGerman Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD), German Aerospace Center (DLR), 82234 Wessling, GermanyApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins  Presenter
Atazadeh, BehnamUniversity of Melbourne, AustraliaSensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
Atkinson, RobOpen Geospatial ConsortiumSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Azri, Suhaibah3D GIS Lab, Dept. of Geoinformation, Fac. of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia3D Data Modelling and Topology
Balado Frías, JesúsUniversity of Vigo, SpainVR / AR and Visualization
BALLOUCH*, ZOUHAIRUniversity of Liège, Belgium;
College of Geomatic Sciences and Surveying Engineering, Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Rabat 10101, Morocco
3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Beil, ChristofChair of Geoinformatics, Technical University of Munich, GermanyApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins  Presenter
Biljecki, FilipNational University of SingaporeGIS / BIM Integration
Sensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
BILLEN, ROLANDUniversity of Liège, Belgium;
UR SPHERES, Geomatics Unit, University of Liège
3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Software and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Biswanath, ManojTechnical University of Munich, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Blankenbach, JörgRWTH Aachen University, Germany3D Data Modelling and Topology
Bodum, LarsDepartment of Planning, Aalborg University, DenmarkVR / AR and Visualization
Boguslawski, PawelWroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland3D Data Modelling and Topology  Presenter
Borrmann, AndréTechnical University of Munich, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration  Presenter
Boumhidi, KhawlaHassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary MedicineSensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins  Presenter
Braun, AlexTechnical University of Munich, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Buckel, PeterBaden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Germany3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Cai, YuduanDelft University of Technology, the NetherlandsSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Cárdenas, IvánUniversity of Twente, Netherlands, TheApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Chen, ZhaiyuTechnical University of Munich, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Chen, ZihanDepartment of Geomatic Sciences, Université Laval, Québec, Canada3D Data Modelling and Topology  Presenter
Clarke, James Richard AlexanderOrdnance Survey, United KingdomVR / AR and Visualization  Presenter
Crampen, DavidRWTH Aachen University, Germany3D Data Modelling and Topology  Presenter
Cremers, DanielTechnical University of Munich, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Dalm, KrisOstbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden, University of Applied Sciences, Germany3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Davey, CalaydeUniversity of PretoriaApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Dehbi, YounessHafenCity University Hamburg, GermanyVR / AR and Visualization
Diakité, AbdoulayeIndependent GIS/BIM expertGIS / BIM Integration
Diaz, VitaliTU Delft, Netherlands3D Point cloud processing and analysis  Presenter
Díaz Vilariño, LucíaUniversity of Vigo, SpainVR / AR and Visualization  Presenter
Döllner, JürgenUniversity of Potsdam, Digital Engineering Faculty, Hasso Plattner Institute, GermanySensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
Donaubauer, AndreasTechnical University of Munich, Germany3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Dukai, Balázs3DGI, the NetherlandsSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Faloutsos, PetrosDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Lassonde School of Engineering, York UniversityIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Fan, HongchaoNorwegian University of Science and Technology, NorwayDeriving 3D models from point clouds
Frank, FlorianInstitute for Continuing Education, Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Germany3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins  Presenter
Fröch, ThomasTechnical University Munich, GermanyDeriving 3D models from point clouds  Presenter
Gao, WeixiaoDept. Urbanism, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Geißendörfer, OliverTechnical University of Munich, Germany3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Gitahi, Joseph MureithiTechnische Universität München, GermanySensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins  Presenter
Glatz, CharlotteCity of Vienna, Austria3D Data Modelling and Topology
Graichen, ThomasChemnitz University of Technology, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
HAJJI, RAFIKACollege of Geomatic Sciences and Surveying Engineering, Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Rabat 10101, Morocco;
College of Geomatic Sciences and Surveying Engineering, IAV Hassan II, Rabat 6202, Morocco
3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Indoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Sensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
Hakim, AmirTU Delft, Netherlands, TheGIS / BIM Integration
GIS / BIM Integration  Presenter
Halbgewachs, Magdalena FelicitasGerman Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD), German Aerospace Center (DLR), 82234 Wessling, GermanyApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Hall, G. BrentEsri SwitzerlandIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Hansen, Lasse HedegaardDepartment of Planning, Aalborg University, DenmarkVR / AR and Visualization
Harrie, LarsLund University, SwedenApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Hassan, AliDepartment of Earth and Space Science and Engineering, Lassonde School of Engineering, York UniversityIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation  Presenter
Haunert, Jan-HenrikUniversity of Bonn, GermanyVR / AR and Visualization
Heeramaglore, MedhiniTechnical University of Munich, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Heigener, DominikBauhaus-Universität Weimar, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Hein, MarcelRWTH Aachen University, Germany3D Data Modelling and Topology
Hijazi, IhabTechnical University of Munich, Germany;
An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine
3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Hoegner, LudwigHochschule München University of Applied Sciences, Germany;
Technical University Munich, Germany;
University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany
3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Deriving 3D models from point clouds
3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Hoegner, LudwigPhotogrammetry and Remote Sensing, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Technical University of Munich, Germany;
Department of Geoinformatics, University of Applied Science (HM), Munich, Germany;
Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Deriving 3D models from point clouds
Deriving 3D models from point clouds
GIS / BIM Integration
Hollaus, MarkusDepartment of Geodesy and Geoinformatics (E120), Technische Universität Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1120 Wien, Austria3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Holst, ChristophTechnical University of Munich, Germany3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Homainejad, NinaSchool of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Hubert, FrédéricDepartment of Geomatic Sciences, Université Laval, Québec, Canada3D Data Modelling and Topology
Ilic, MarioChair of Traffic Engineering and Control, Technical University of Munich, GermanyApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
JEDDOUB*, IMANEUniversity of Liège, Belgium3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins  Presenter
Kalantari, MohsenUniversity of New South Wales, Australia;
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
Sensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
Software and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Kanters, JouriLund University, SwedenApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Keler, AndreasApplied Geoinformatics, University of Augsburg, GermanyApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Kharroubi, AbderrazzaqUR SPHERES, Geomatics Unit, University of LiègeSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Khoshelham, KouroshThe University of Melbourne, AustraliaIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Kim, MisunUniversity of Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)Indoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation  Presenter
Knechtel, JuliusUniversity of Bonn, GermanyVR / AR and Visualization
Knospe, FrankAmt für Geoinformation, Vermessung und Kataster Essen, GermanySensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
Koeva, MilaUniversity of Twente, Netherlands, TheApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins  Presenter
Kolbe, Thomas H.Technical University of Munich, Germany;
Technische Universität München, Germany
GIS / BIM Integration
Sensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Applications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Kong, GefeiNorwegian University of Science and Technology, NorwayDeriving 3D models from point clouds  Presenter
Kordasch, Sara LenaCity of Vienna, Austria3D Data Modelling and Topology
Kremer, MelissaDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Lassonde School of Engineering, York UniversityIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Krishnakumar, SubhashiniBauhaus-Universität Weimar, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Kunnerup, Frida DalbjergDepartment of Planning, Aalborg University, DenmarkVR / AR and Visualization
Landes, TaniaICube Laboratory UMR 7357, Photogrammetry and Geomatics Group, National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA Strasbourg), 24, Boulevard de la Victoire, 67084 Strasbourg, FranceIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Lechner, KonstanzeGerman Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD), German Aerospace Center (DLR), 82234 Wessling, GermanyApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Ledoux, HugoDelft University of Technology, the NetherlandsSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data  Presenter
Lee, JeongwonUniversity of Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)Indoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Lee, JiyeongUniversity of Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)Indoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Lee, Ming-ChunUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte, United States of AmericaVR / AR and Visualization  Presenter
Lehner, HubertCity of Vienna, Austria3D Data Modelling and Topology  Presenter
Lei, BinyuDepartment of Architecture, National University of Singapore, SingaporeSensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins  Presenter
Leon Sanchez, Camilo Alexander3D Geoinformation Group, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of UrbanismApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins  Presenter
León-Sánchez, CamiloDelft University of Technology, Netherlands, TheSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Li, HaoTechnical University of Munich, Germany3D Point cloud processing and analysis  Presenter
Li, WeilianUniversity of Bonn, GermanyVR / AR and Visualization  Presenter
Luubert, MichaelEsri SwitzerlandIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Mattisson, KristofferLund University, SwedenApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Mehranfar, MansourTechnical University of Munich, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Meijers, MartijnTU Delft, Netherlands3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Meines, SiebrenDelft University of Technology, the NetherlandsSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Morley, JeremyOrdnance Survey, United KingdomVR / AR and Visualization
Mutiarasari, Wahyu Marta3D GIS Research Lab, Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia3D Point cloud processing and analysis  Presenter
Nagel, Clausvirtualcitysystems GmbHSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Nauman, AhmedTU Delft, Netherlands3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Nguyen, Son H.Technical University of Munich, Germany3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins  Presenter
Noardo, FrancescaOpen Geospatial ConsortiumSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data  Presenter
Nourian, PirouzUniversity of Twente, Netherlands, TheApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Nys, Gilles-AntoineLiege UniversitySensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
Ohori, Ken ArroyoTU Delft, Netherlands, TheGIS / BIM Integration
GIS / BIM Integration
Olsson, Per-OlaLund University, SwedenApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Orgeig, YannickUniversity of Bonn, GermanyVR / AR and Visualization
Pantazatou, KarolinaLund University, SwedenApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins  Presenter
Pantelios, KonstantinosNoriaSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Peters, Ravi3DGI, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Petzold, FrankTechnical University of Munich, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Pfeifer, NorbertDepartment of Geodesy and Geoinformatics (E120), Technische Universität Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1120 Wien, Austria;
Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Technische Universität Wien, 1040 Vienna, Austria,
3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Deriving 3D models from point clouds
Pilz, Tanja SophieTechnical University Munich, Germany3D Point cloud processing and analysis  Presenter
Poon, ChrisDelft University of Technology, the NetherlandsSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Potsiou, ChryssyNational Technical University of Athens, Greece, GreeceGIS / BIM Integration
Pouliot, JacyntheDepartment of Geomatic Sciences, Université Laval, Québec, Canada3D Data Modelling and Topology
Powałka, LeonDelft University of Technology, the NetherlandsSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Rached, IshraqCollege of Geomatic Sciences and Surveying Engineering, IAV Hassan II, Rabat 6202, MoroccoIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation  Presenter
Rajabifard, AbbasUniversity of Melbourne, Australia;
The Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia
Sensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
Software and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Richter, JuliaChemnitz University of Technology, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Richter, RicoUniversity of Potsdam, Digital Engineering Faculty, GermanySensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins  Presenter
Rueda, AlejandroTechnical University of Munich, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Saeidian, BahramUniversity of Melbourne, AustraliaSensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins  Presenter
Salleh, Syahiirah3D GIS Lab, Dept. of Geoinformation, Fac. of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia3D Data Modelling and Topology  Presenter
Schmidt, RebeccaChemnitz University of Technology, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Schwarz, Sophia MariaTechnical University Munich, Germany3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Shahidinejad, JavadThe Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, AustraliaSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data  Presenter
Simonis, IngoOpen Geospatial ConsortiumSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Smith, RobAway TeamVR / AR and Visualization
Smyth, SteveOpenSitePlanVR / AR and Visualization
Sohn, GunhoYork University, CanadaIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Sohn*, GunhoDepartment of Earth and Space Science and Engineering, Lassonde School of Engineering, York UniversityIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Soile, SofiaNational Technical University of Athens, Greece, GreeceGIS / BIM Integration
Solonets, SergeiTechnical University of Munich, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Stavropoulou, GinaDelft University of Technology, the NetherlandsSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Stilla, UweTechnical University Munich, Germany;
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Technical University of Munich, Germany
3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Deriving 3D models from point clouds
Deriving 3D models from point clouds
Deriving 3D models from point clouds
Stoter, JantienDept. Urbanism, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands;
3D Geoinformation Group, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Urbanism;
TU Delft, Netherlands, The
3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins  Presenter
Applications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
GIS / BIM Integration
GIS / BIM Integration
Su, YunleiDepartment of Geography, National University of Singapore, SingaporeSensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
Tan, YueTechnical University of Munich, GermanyDeriving 3D models from point clouds  Presenter
Tauscher, HelgaHTW Dresden, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration  Presenter
Teuscher, BalthasarTechnical University of Munich, Germany3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Tomko, MartinThe University of Melbourne, AustraliaIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Tran, HaUniversity of Melbourne, AustraliaVR / AR and Visualization
Trapp, MatthiasUniversity of Potsdam, Digital Engineering Faculty, Hasso Plattner Institute, GermanySensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
Ujang, Uznir3D GIS Lab, Dept. of Geoinformation, Fac. of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia3D Data Modelling and Topology
Usman, MuhammadDepartment of Information and Computer Science, King Fahd University of Petroleum and MineralsIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Vaart, Jasper van derTU Delft, Netherlands, TheGIS / BIM Integration  Presenter
van der Vaart, JasperTU Delft, Netherlands, TheGIS / BIM Integration
van Lankveld, ThijsTU Delft, Netherlands3D Point cloud processing and analysis
van Oosterom, PeterTU Delft, Netherlands3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Verbree, EdwardTU Delft, Netherlands3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Villar, AlejandroOpen Geospatial ConsortiumSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Vinther, Simon QuaadeDepartment of Planning, Aalborg University, DenmarkVR / AR and Visualization  Presenter
Walicka, AgataWrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, 50-375 Wrocław, Poland,Deriving 3D models from point clouds  Presenter
Werner, MartinTechnical University of Munich, Germany3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Winiwarter, LukasDepartment of Geodesy and Geoinformatics (E120), Technische Universität Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1120 Wien, Austria;
Integrated Remote Sensing Studio (IRSS), University of British Columbia, 2424 Main Mall, V6T 1Z4 Vancouver, B.C., Canada
3D Point cloud processing and analysis  Presenter
Wyke, SimonDepartment of Planning, Aalborg University, DenmarkVR / AR and Visualization
Wysocki, OlafTechnical University Munich, Germany;
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Technical University of Munich, Germany
3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Deriving 3D models from point clouds  Presenter
Deriving 3D models from point clouds
Deriving 3D models from point clouds
Xia, YitongDelft University of Technology, the NetherlandsSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Xu, LongxiangDelft University of Technology, The NetherlandsApplications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Xuanshu, LuoTechnical University of Munich, Germany3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Yan, LanDelft University of Technology, the NetherlandsSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Yang, SeunghoDepartment of Urban Engineering, Hanbat National University, South KoreaIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Yao, Zhihangvirtualcitysystems GmbHSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Yarroudh, AnassUR SPHERES, Geomatics Unit, University of LiègeSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data  Presenter
Zaborowski, PiotrOpen Geospatial ConsortiumSoftware and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Zahid, HamzaTechnical University of Munich, Germany3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins  Presenter
Zhao, HangThe University of Melbourne, AustraliaIndoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation  Presenter
Zhu, Xiao XiangTechnical University of Munich, GermanyGIS / BIM Integration
Zlatanova, SisiSchool of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia3D Point cloud processing and analysis