Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Thursday, 14/Sept/2023
R2: Conference Registration
Opening-D2-HS1: Opening Session
Location: Lecture Hall HS1

Keynote by Filip Biljecki, National University of Singapore

Presentation by Brooks Patrick from our Platinum Sponsor Esri Deutschland GmbH:

Urban Digital Twins in Action: Practical Strategies and Applications


D2-B1: Morning Coffee/Tea Break
D2-S1-HS1: 3D Data Acquisition, Analysis and Simulation for Urban Digital Twins
Location: Lecture Hall HS1
Chair: Prof. Youness Dehbi

Enriched semantic 3D point clouds: An alternative to 3D City models for Digital Twin for Cities?


1: University of Liège, Belgium; 2: College of Geomatic Sciences and Surveying Engineering, Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine, Rabat 10101, Morocco

Unsupervised Roofline Extraction from True Orthophotos for LoD2 Building Model Reconstruction

Weixiao Gao1, Ravi Peters2, Jantien Stoter1

1: Dept. Urbanism, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands; 2: 3DGI, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands

Enhancing Realism in Urban Simulations: A Mapping Framework for the German National Standard XPlanung and CityGML

Hamza Zahid1, Ihab Hijazi1,2, Andreas Donaubauer1, Thomas H. Kolbe1

1: Technical University of Munich, Germany; 2: An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine

An Alternative Raw Data Acquisition Approach for Reconstruction of LOD3 Models

Florian Frank1, Ludwig Hoegner2, Peter Buckel3, Kris Dalm4

1: Institute for Continuing Education, Knowledge and Technology Transfer, Germany; 2: Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, Germany; 3: Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW), Germany; 4: Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden, University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Identification and Interpretation of Change Patterns in Semantic 3D City Models

Son H. Nguyen, Thomas H. Kolbe

Technical University of Munich, Germany

D2-S1-HS2: Software and Tools for 3D Spatial Data
Location: Lecture Hall HS2
Chair: Dr. Mila Koeva

OGC Data Exchange Toolkit: Interoperable and Reusable 3D data at the end of the OGC Rainbow

Francesca Noardo, Rob Atkinson, Ingo Simonis, Alejandro Villar, Piotr Zaborowski

Open Geospatial Consortium

cjdb: a simple, fast, and lean database solution for the CityGML data model

Leon Powałka1, Chris Poon1, Yitong Xia1, Siebren Meines1, Lan Yan1, Yuduan Cai1, Gina Stavropoulou1, Balázs Dukai2, Hugo Ledoux1

1: Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands; 2: 3DGI, the Netherlands

Introducing the 3DCityDB-Tools plug-in for QGIS

Giorgio Agugiaro1, Konstantinos Pantelios2, Camilo León-Sánchez1, Zhihang Yao3, Claus Nagel3

1: Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, The; 2: Noria; 3: virtualcitysystems GmbH

Challenges and Steps Toward Implementing 3D Cadastral Database - Physical Data Model of LADM

Javad Shahidinejad1, Mohsen Kalantari2, Abbas Rajabifard1

1: The Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration, Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia; 2: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW, Sydney, Australia

Optim3D: Efficient and scalable generation of large-scale 3D building models

Anass Yarroudh, Abderrazzaq Kharroubi, Roland Billen

UR SPHERES, Geomatics Unit, University of Liège

D2-B2: Lunch
D2-S2-HS1: Deriving 3D models from point clouds
Location: Lecture Hall HS1
Chair: Prof. Roland Billen

Reconstructing façade details using MLS point clouds and Bag-of-Words approach

Thomas Fröch1, Olaf Wysocki1, Ludwig Hoegner1,2, Uwe Stilla1

1: Technical University Munich, Germany; 2: University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany

Generating 3D Roof Models from ALS Point Clouds using Roof Line Topologies

Gefei Kong, Hongchao Fan

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

MLS2LoD3: Refining low LoDs building models with MLS point clouds to reconstruct semantic LoD3 building models

Olaf Wysocki1, Ludwig Hoegner1,2, Uwe Stilla1

1: Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, TUM School of Engineering and Design, Technical University of Munich, Germany; 2: Department of Geoinformatics, University of Applied Science (HM), Munich, Germany

Semantic segmentation of buildings using multisource ALS data

Agata Walicka1, Norbert Pfeifer2

1: Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics, 50-375 Wrocław, Poland,; 2: Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation, Technische Universität Wien, 1040 Vienna, Austria,

Classifying point clouds at the facade-level using geometric features and deep learning networks

Yue Tan1, Olaf Wysocki1, Uwe Stilla1, Ludwig Hoegner1,2

1: Technical University of Munich, Germany; 2: Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences, Germany

D2-S2-HS2: Sensors and dynamic data in Urban Digital Twins
Location: Lecture Hall HS2
Chair: Prof. Sisi Zlatanova

Dynamic Digital Twins: Challenges, Perspectives and Practical Implementation from a City's Perspective

Rico Richter1, Frank Knospe2, Matthias Trapp3, Jürgen Döllner3

1: University of Potsdam, Digital Engineering Faculty, Germany; 2: Amt für Geoinformation, Vermessung und Kataster Essen, Germany; 3: University of Potsdam, Digital Engineering Faculty, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany

Humans as Sensors in Urban Digital Twins

Binyu Lei1, Yunlei Su2, Filip Biljecki1,3

1: Department of Architecture, National University of Singapore, Singapore; 2: Department of Geography, National University of Singapore, Singapore; 3: Department of Real Estate, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Visualisation Requirements for Integrated 3D City Models and Sensor Data in Urban Digital Twins

Joseph Mureithi Gitahi, Thomas H Kolbe

Technische Universität München, Germany

Investigation of CityGML 3.0 for modelling temporal aspects in underground land administration

Bahram Saeidian1, Abbas Rajabifard1, Behnam Atazadeh1, Mohsen Kalantari2

1: University of Melbourne, Australia; 2: University of New South Wales, Australia

Integrating dynamic data with 3D city models via CityJSON extension

Khawla Boumhidi1, Gilles-Antoine Nys2, Rafika Hajji1

1: Hassan II Institute of Agronomy and Veterinary Medicine; 2: Liege University

D2-B3: Afternoon Coffee/Tea Break
Closing-D2-HS1: Closing Session
Location: Lecture Hall HS1

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