Conference Agenda

Overview and details of the sessions of this conference. Please select a date or location to show only sessions at that day or location. Please select a single session for detailed view (with abstracts and downloads if available).

Session Overview
Date: Wednesday, 13/Sept/2023
R1: Conference Registration
Opening-D1-HS1: Opening Session
Location: Lecture Hall HS1

Opening by Prof. Dr. Thomas H. Kolbe, Conference Chair

Welcome by Prof. Dr. Werner Lang, TUM Vice President Sustainable Transformation

Keynote by Yuya Uchiyama, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Japan:
Project PLATEAU ~The initiative of Digital Twin in Japan

D1-B1: Morning Coffee/Tea Break
D1-S1-HS1: Applications of 3D City Models and Digital Twins
Location: Lecture Hall HS1
Chair: Dr. Giorgio Agugiaro

Recommendation for vegetation information in 3D city models in an urban planning perspective

Karolina Pantazatou, Jouri Kanters, Kristoffer Mattisson, Per-Ola Olsson, Lars Harrie

Lund University, Sweden

Shadowing calculation on urban areas from Semantic 3D City Models

Longxiang Xu1, Camilo Alexander Leon Sanchez2, Giorgio Agugiaro2, Jantien Stoter2

1: Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands; 2: 3D Geoinformation Group, Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Urbanism

Supporting teleoperated humanitarian aid missions with 3D visualization using remote sensing data

Lucas Dominik Angermann, Magdalena Felicitas Halbgewachs, Konstanze Lechner

German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD), German Aerospace Center (DLR), 82234 Wessling, Germany

Solid Waste In The Virtual World: A Digital Twinning Approach For Waste Collection Planning

Iván Cárdenas1, Mila Koeva1, Calayde Davey2, Pirouz Nourian1

1: University of Twente, Netherlands, The; 2: University of Pretoria

Automatically evaluating the service quality of bicycle paths based on semantic 3D city models

Christof Beil1, Mario Ilic2, Andreas Keler3, Thomas H. Kolbe1

1: Chair of Geoinformatics, Technical University of Munich, Germany; 2: Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control, Technical University of Munich, Germany; 3: Applied Geoinformatics, University of Augsburg, Germany

D1-S1-HS2: 3D Point cloud processing and analysis
Location: Lecture Hall HS2
Chair: Dr. Lucía Díaz Vilariño

Efficient In-Memory Point Cloud Query Processing

Balthasar Teuscher1, Oliver Geißendörfer1, Luo Xuanshu1, Hao Li1, Katharina Anders1,2, Christoph Holst1, Martin Werner1

1: Technical University of Munich, Germany; 2: Heidelberg University, Germany

Transferring façade labels between point clouds with semantic octrees while considering change detection

Sophia Maria Schwarz1, Tanja Sophie Pilz1, Olaf Wysocki1, Ludwig Hoegner1,2, Uwe Stilla1

1: Technical University Munich, Germany; 2: University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany

Investigating Data Fusion from Three Different Point Clouds Datasets by using Iterative Closest Point (ICP) Registration

Wahyu Marta Mutiarasari, Alias Abdul Rahman

3D GIS Research Lab, Department of Geoinformation, Faculty of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

Sensing heathland vegetation structure from Unmanned Aircraft System Laser Scanner: Comparing sensors and flying heights

Nina Homainejad1, Lukas Winiwarter2,3, Markus Hollaus2, Sisi Zlatanova1, Norbert Pfeifer2

1: School of Built Environment, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia; 2: Department of Geodesy and Geoinformatics (E120), Technische Universität Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, 1120 Wien, Austria; 3: Integrated Remote Sensing Studio (IRSS), University of British Columbia, 2424 Main Mall, V6T 1Z4 Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Comparison of point distance calculation methods in point clouds ¿Is the most complex always the most suitable?

Vitali Diaz, Peter van Oosterom, Martijn Meijers, Edward Verbree, Ahmed Nauman, Thijs van Lankveld

TU Delft, Netherlands

D1-B2: Lunch
D1-S2-HS1: VR / AR and Visualization
Location: Lecture Hall HS1
Chair: Prof. Jacynthe Pouliot

Virtual Reality experience analysis from Point Cloud Data

Diego Aneiros Egido1, Jesús Balado Frías1, Ha Tran2, Lucía Díaz Vilariño1

1: University of Vigo, Spain; 2: University of Melbourne, Australia

Visualisation of 3D Uncertainties for Subsurface Infrastructure using Augmented Reality

Simon Quaade Vinther, Frida Dalbjerg Kunnerup, Lars Bodum, Lasse Hedegaard Hansen, Simon Wyke

Department of Planning, Aalborg University, Denmark

Immersive virtual reality to verify the as-built state of electric line networks in buildings

Julius Knechtel1, Weilian Li1, Yannick Orgeig1, Jan-Henrik Haunert1, Youness Dehbi2

1: University of Bonn, Germany; 2: HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany

3D Data Mapping with Augmented Reality

Ming-Chun Lee

University of North Carolina at Charlotte, United States of America

Creating a 3D Multi-Dataset Bubble in Support of OGC Testbed-19 and Metaverse Standards Prototypes

James Richard Alexander Clarke1, Steve Smyth2, Rob Smith3, Jeremy Morley1

1: Ordnance Survey, United Kingdom; 2: OpenSitePlan; 3: Away Team

D1-S2-HS2: Indoor / Outdoor Modelling and Navigation
Location: Lecture Hall HS2
Chair: Prof. Jörg Blankenbach

RGB-D Semantic Segmentation for Indoor Modeling Using Deep Learning: A Review

Ishraq Rached1, Rafika Hajji1, Tania Landes2

1: College of Geomatic Sciences and Surveying Engineering, IAV Hassan II, Rabat 6202, Morocco; 2: ICube Laboratory UMR 7357, Photogrammetry and Geomatics Group, National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA Strasbourg), 24, Boulevard de la Victoire, 67084 Strasbourg, France

A framework for generating IndoorGML data from omnidirectional images

Misun Kim, Jeongwon Lee, Jiyeong Lee

University of Seoul, Korea, Republic of (South Korea)

Deep Adaptive Network for WiFi-based Indoor Localization

Afnan Ahmad, Gunho Sohn

York University, Canada

MoLi-PoseGAN: Model-based Indoor Relocalization using GAN and Deep Pose Regression from Synthetic LiDAR Scans

Hang Zhao, Martin Tomko, Kourosh Khoshelham

The University of Melbourne, Australia

Digital Twins: Simulating Robot-Human Sidewalk Interactions

Ali Hassan1, Muhammad Usman2, Melissa Kremer3, Seungho Yang4, Michael Luubert5, Petros Faloutsos3, G. Brent Hall5, Gunho Sohn*1

1: Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University; 2: Department of Information and Computer Science, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals; 3: Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Lassonde School of Engineering, York University; 4: Department of Urban Engineering, Hanbat National University, South Korea; 5: Esri Switzerland

D1-B3: Afternoon Coffee/Tea Break
D1-S3-HS1: GIS / BIM Integration
Location: Lecture Hall HS1
Chair: Dr. Ihab Hijazi

Assessment of the LoD specification for the integration of BIM models in 3D city model

Jasper van der Vaart1, Jantien Stoter1, Abdoulaye Diakité3, Filip Biljecki2, Ken Arroyo Ohori1, Amir Hakim1

1: TU Delft, Netherlands, The; 2: National University of Singapore; 3: Independent GIS/BIM expert

IFC georeferencing for OSM

Helga Tauscher1, Dominik Heigener2, Subhashini Krishnakumar2, Thomas Graichen3, Rebecca Schmidt3, Julia Richter3

1: HTW Dresden, Germany; 2: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany; 3: Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany

Merging BIM, Land Use and 2D Cadastral Maps into a Digital Twin Fit – For – Purpose Geospatial Infrastructure

Dimitra Andritsou, Sofia Soile, Chryssy Potsiou

National Technical University of Athens, Greece, Greece

Artificial Intelligence for the automated creation of multi-scale digital twins of the built world - AI4TWINNING

André Borrmann, Manoj Biswanath, Alex Braun, Zhaiyu Chen, Daniel Cremers, Medhini Heeramaglore, Ludwig Hoegner, Mansour Mehranfar, Thomas Kolbe, Frank Petzold, Alejandro Rueda, Sergei Solonets, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Technical University of Munich, Germany

Development of a Geo to BIM converter: CityJSON importer plugin for Autodesk Revit

Amir Hakim, Jasper van der Vaart, Ken Arroyo Ohori, Jantien Stoter

TU Delft, Netherlands, The

D1-S3-HS2: 3D Data Modelling and Topology
Location: Lecture Hall HS2
Chair: Dr. Claire Ellul

A Level of as-is Detail Concept for Digital Twins of Roads - Case Study

David Crampen, Marcel Hein, Jörg Blankenbach

RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Digital geoTwin: a CityGML-based data model for the virtual replica of the City of Vienna

Hubert Lehner1, Sara Lena Kordasch1, Charlotte Glatz1, Giorgio Agugiaro2

1: City of Vienna, Austria; 2: 3D Geoinformation group, Delft University of Technology

A Hierarchy of Levels of Detail for 3D Utility Network Models

Zihan Chen, Jacynthe Pouliot, Frédéric Hubert

Department of Geomatic Sciences, Université Laval, Québec, Canada

Topological representation of a 4D cell complex and its dual – feasibility study

Pawel Boguslawski

Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Poland

3D Topology Rules Implementation in Spatial Database

Syahiirah Salleh, Uznir Ujang, Suhaibah Azri

3D GIS Lab, Dept. of Geoinformation, Fac. of Built Environment and Surveying, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia

D1-Dinner: CONFERENCE DINNER @Augustiner Stammhaus Marienplatz
Location: Augustiner Stammhaus (Munich City Center)

The 3D Geoinfo journey from 2006 to 2022 – a reflection

Alias Abdul Rahman

Universiti Teknologi Malaysisa, Malaysia

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